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I couldn't change their views but I could change who I was going to be. I wasn't going to be a killer, ever, so I can't make a mistake, I can't mess this up. I close my eyes and focus. The Force should be able to help Hux, we'd tested it on Stormtroopers, they hadn't complained, it wasn't like they could have complained though. Lightsaber wounds just cauterised though, he'd be fine unless the position of my lightsaber was wrong. I hope it wasn't. I really do hope it was in the right place, I didn't ever think that I would hope Hux would be alive. It was strange.

I focused on using the Force to keep Hux alive. I hoped it was enough. When I opened my eyes again, Hux had his eyes closed, I pulled my lightsaber out and I stepped back. Hux fell to the ground. He wasn't moving. He had been practising this a lot so it was either he had perfected it or he was truly dead and I was a murderer. I hope for the first option.

Two Stormtroopers came in and dragged Hux out, I watched. The other occupants of the room stared at me with their new fear and a slight bit of respect. This was supposed to be the "bad" side though. I turned my attention back to Hux. I have had
enough training so that I could use the Force with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back, I've had too much training, in my opinion, but I bet Luke wouldn't agree, even though I've had training for about twenty years in total, I think it's too much for me.

May the Force be with you!

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