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I don't know how long we were kissing for but I do know that it was for a while. We pulled apart to find quite a few people staring at us. Luke and Leia's smiles were massive.
"Don't you people have things to do?" I asked. Most of the people turned around and continued with what they were doing before.

"So..." Leia started. Ben and I sighed at the same time, Luke's massive smile decided to turn into a smirk.
"Oh no," Ben said. "We are never going to hear the end of it,"
"Like those two Stormtroopers we saw kissing," I said.
"Stormtroopers? Kissing?" Luke asked with a confused look. I nodded.
"That was her reaction," Ben told his Uncle.
"Well, we better get sleep, we have a long day tomorrow, come on, I'll show you your rooms," Leia said, changing the subject. I yawned before following Leia.

"This is your rooms, Ben on the right, Emily on the left. They're right next door to each other. Guards do walk around at night by the way," Was she trying to suggest something? I hope not, I just had the second kiss ever, I was drunk tthe first time so that was my first kiss I actually wanted properly, if that makes sense.

I walked into the room I was given. It was a lot different to the one I had with the First Order. This room was blue. The bed was blue also, there was a window that had black curtains but that was all the black in the room. The doors were grey and the wardrobe and drawers seemed to be in a light coloured wood.

I found some comfortable clothes to sleep in and I made sure the doors were closed properly. I made sure not much light could get through the windows and then got into the bed which was extremely bouncy.

May the Force be with you!

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