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"Ben, what I meant by a third side doesn't mean we're going to fight. Hux and I planned everything," I tried to reason.
"Yeah, you and Hux," he spat.
"Well I couldn't exactly send you a hologram without Smoke questioning me, could I?" I snapped back. Ben huffed.
"Smoke?" Ben asked, lightening the mood.
"Smoke?" Ben asked, he obviously found it really funny.
"Yeah, why not?" I asked. Ben smiled and then started laughing, I shook my head and waited for him to stop laughing.

"Ben, Hux and I just want to accommodate people who have genuinely been affected by the First Order or the Resistance. Any rouge Stormtroopers, survivors of attacks, anyone as long as it's genuine. We can't defeat the First Order, not with the lack of pilots and soldiers and the First Order have a new Starkiller Base, the Resistance literally have no hope but no one's willing to leave them. We'd both have to compromise thing, Poe, Rey, Leia, BB-8, Luke, Threepio and Artoo; we'd have to leave them behind," I explained with no interruptions from anyone or anything for once.
"Are there any Force-sensitive people there?" Ben asked after a minute of seemingly endless silence.
I nodded as I said, "Yes, Ben, we'd have to train them. We don't have to train them to be light or dark, just neutral, to bring some balance to he Force," I looked at Ben, I hope he agrees.
"Well... it sounds better than here, even if I have to leave Mom behind, and Luke and BB-8, I think we can manage without them," Ben said, a sense of determination motivating him.
"Great, we don't have to leave now,"
"Yeah, we are not leaving yet, not after we've gotten your stuff from Poe and sorted it all out," I just gave Ben a sheepish grin so he put his arm around me and I let myself relax to the sound of his steady heartbeat.

May the Force be with you!

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