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He couldn't be smiling for a good reason. Before I realised what was happening, Kylo Ren was walking towards me with his lightsaber ignited. I walked backwards, away from him.
"Woah! Not fair!" I said. I held my hand out and the lightsaber on the table shook a bit.
"Life's not fair," Kylo told me. I concentrated a bit harder and the lightsaber shook a bit before flying into my hand. I ignited it.
"True, but let's just be honest, warnings exist for a reason,"

The duel had begun. We swung our lightsabers at each other but we seemed equal. Kylo must not have been trying because he did a complex move and I was pinned to a wall with his saber by my throat. He was standing quite close.
"I win," he stated.
"No, you don't," My comment took him off guard for a moment so I kicked his leg and he stumbled back. I pushed his chest and called the saber to my hand again. He had gotten up onto his knees when I kicked his chest, pushing him back down again. He then tripped my my kicking my ankles and I fell to the floor.

I groaned and closed my eyes.
"Please say we're even," I said.
"Nope," I opened my eyes and saw Kylo standing above me with his lightsaber pointing at my neck. I groaned and rolled away from him.

He walked over to me and offered his hand out for me to take. I gladly took it and he pulled me to my feet. He used a bit too much strength so he accidentally pulled me to him. I blushed at how close we were and, after a brief moment of eye contact, we quickly stepped away from each other. Kylo turned around. I bet he was blushing!

May the Force be with you!

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