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BOOM! Thunder roared in the sky. I walked down the street soaked from the raindrops the clouds were dripping. I had just caught my boyfriend cheating on me, and broke up with him. But the worst part is who it was with. Sarah Pine. I mean, come on! Sarah Pine? Really?! He can do better than that! Oh that's right! You don't know her. I'll explain. Sarah Pine, is this popular girl in school. She's basically the school slut. Sleeps with every guy she can, just for attention. Her parents are married, and spoil her like she's the queen of England! She wears shirts that stop above her bellybutton, showing her belly ring, that says Beautiful, when it really should say "Slut". She wears the tightest jeans, and got butt implants a few weeks ago, just for attention! I mean come on. She walks around the school, like she owns the place, just because she has every boy in the school drooling over her shoulder. If i was a boy, and she tried to my attention, I'd be like, 'Oh Hell no! get away from me Bitch!' UGH! I wish there was someone! Some one in ths world that would just give it to her. I can't tell you how many times i've wanted to punch her in the face. Now, i know what your thinking. 'Why don't you just punch this bitch in the face, and walk away?" Right? Well i can't. I've gotten in trouble already, for something i didn't do, and if I get in trouble one more time, my father is gonna whip my ass. Literally.

My parents are divorced, and ever since, I've been stuck with my father, who does nothing but drink until he's drunk. That's why I was out in the first place. I had to get away from him. Yeah, I've yelled at him before, and hit him...but that was a BIG mistake. He can be really aggressive when drunk. And he's strong too! He's not a small guy. Once he broke a whole in the kitchen counter, after he was told this girl cancelled on him. Wasn't a good night. Not. At. All. When he get's drunk he thinks he's a big rich guy, and goes out to clubs. Most of the time he'll bring a girl or two home with him. I asked him what he was doing the next morning, but all i got was 'I was doing some business things. For work.' HE DOESN'T EVEN WORK! He lost all his money when mom left him, and hasn't moved his sorry ass since. Forcing me to go work at a bar, in town. And all the money i get, he uses on either drugs or alcohol.

We live in a small, two bedroom apartment in Gotham, and I'm surprised we haven't been kicked out yet. He hasn't paid the rent in over a month. I can't believe this is what i get stuck with! And i didn't know where my mother went, or is. Or even was! She could be dead. No clue there!

I ran up to the apartment when i saw it come into view. When i got inside, as usual, my father wasn't home. He was probably out, with his tongue down some freaking girl's throat. Wouldn't be surprised. The place was a mess! Even more than usual. I try to clean up, but he always destroys it the next night. The picture hanging on the wall, was crooked, and the table near the door, that usually held the keys, and other things you grab on your way out the door was tipped over, with everything scattered across the floor. I went into the kitchen, carefully avoiding the broken beer bottles everywhere, and grabbed a bottle of water. Seeing a note on the counter, i picked it up, and read it. It read:


When you get home, name i cant seem to remember, go out to the store and get a few packs of beer. You already have the money with you, so go!

As i took a sip, i crumpled it up, and threw it in the trash.

"Unbelievable!" i said to myself.

I began walking to the door, but stopped when i heard something fall over. Placing the bottle on the coffee table, and went in the direction of the noise, and saw my bedroom door open a crack. Weird. i never have my door open. EVER. I slowly pushed the door open, and i slammed my fist on the doorknob.

"DAD!" I yelled.

He looked up at me.

"Hey! Delilah, your home. Did you get the things i needed?" He asked.

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