Hello My friend

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I listened to this song, as i wrote this chapter. You don't have to listen to it, but just thought I'd tell you.❤ enjoy!

B-man was hiding in the trees above the gate, while I stood in front of the huge gate. Holding my gun up, I shot a five times in the air. I kicked the gate, and  tried to make as much noise as I could.

"Hellooooo!" I yelled, waving my arms in the air at the camera. "Anyone there?! Yoohoo!"

Five minutes later, a loud buzzing is heard, and the gates opened. Two guards walk out, and I smile at them.

"Oh thank god. I was beginning to  think there was no one in there. I need help." I informed thinking they didn't recognized me.

"What do you need miss?" The one on the right asked.

"You're uniform," I informed grabbing my knife from my boot.

"What?" The other asked.

Without speaking, I went to slice the guys throat, but my arm was caught. I looked up to see emo- man holding my arm as he stared down at me.

He knocked the two guys out as I ripped my arm out of his grip.

"That wasn't part of the plan!" I informed hitting his shoulder.

"In mine it was!"

"They are going to wake up- and when they do they will try to kill us. Mostly me! Because they'll think you're here to kick my ass!"

"You got your way in," he started. "Go. I'll be right behind you."

Grabbing the key card and a helmet off of one of the guy's bodys, I started for the building. I retreated to the bodies once again, and grabbed a gun. Putting my gun away in ts holster, I ran towards the building.

When I got to the building, I swiped the card, and watched as the huge metal door lifted. I rolled a, what I like to call 'blinder' into the building. I heard it explode, and watched as the white smoke exited through the huge door. Pulling the helmet on, I walked into the building and went right past a few of the gaurds. I shot a few down that were in my way, and walked right up to the cells. It was a little easier than I thought it was going to be...too easy...? Hmmm...

I looked around to see the cells were empty.

"Shhhhit!" I yelled running down the hallway. "Eddie?!"

I yelled out for him, but I didn't get a response. There was only one other place they would be.

Racing down the hall, I turned the corner to see three gaurds storming in my directtion.

"Uh, hey guys," I said shooting two in the feet. "You wouldn't happen to know where prisoner 20847 b, is would you?"

I cartwheeled over to them, and kicked one guy in he balls before hitting him with the gun as if it was a baseball bat. Once he was down, I shot the second guy in the leg, and when he hit the floor, kicked his head. The third guy, I just shot, before walking away.

"Eddie?" I yelled out again.

A faint to banging was heard coming down the hall, which made me speed up. I found another metal door that had a large window in the center of it. I saw all the prisoners crammed into one little room. When I walked up, all of them cheered. A smile spread across my face, as I listened to them cheer.

"Can't remember the last time I heard that sound," I mumbled before hitting the small red button next to the door.

The door opened, and everyone started running out. The front doors should have had th emergency lock enabled, so they weren't getting out. Unless they had a vigilante to help them...which luckily I had.

They all disappeared behind the corner, and I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking behind me, I went to shoot them, but lowered my weapon when I saw who it was.

I threw my arms around them, "You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded fixing his glasses. "How did you get in without being seen?"

"I didn't. They know I'm here, so we have to move quickly." I said grabbing his hand, before running down the hall.

"How? This place has gaurds-"

He was cut off by five gaurds running around the corner with tazers in their hands.


"I see that," I commented before firing at them.

Once they were all down, I grabbed Eddie's hand again, and ran past them. We got to the cells again, and past them. A few prisoners were standing there waiting, and had guns in their hands.

"Well get you out, if we can go with ya sweetcheeks," one said smirking.

I smiled back, and nodded, "Lead the way."

They led us to a huge open area, that had two huge windows on the cieling. As Eddie and I got to the center of the room, all the prisoners surrounded us. The gaurds then came storming in, and aimed their guns straight at me.

"The girl leaves alive boys," the same guy from before tells all the other prisoners. "She dies, we die."

"Ahhhhhhhh!" They all yelled, as a war broke out in the room.

Gunshots rang out as I ducked and covered my head with my hands. Eddie ducked too. I crawled over to the one guy who was talking before, and handed him the key card.

"Get out of here when you can," I yelled over the gunshots.

As I handed the guy the card, he grabbed my other hand and slipped something into it. I was too focused on not getting shot, so I didn't look at what was in my hand then and there. He then grabber my head, and placed a kiss on my forehead, which- I'm not gonna lie, was weird. Well, he was weird, so what did I expect? Not that!that's what!

Standing, I looked up to the cieling, and watched as the bat crashed through it. I felt him wrap his arm around my waist, so I gripped Eddie's hand tighter. I was not letting him go- we needed him. Besides, if I dropped him as we left the ground, he would have fallen to his death.

"Goodbye Delilah!" A heard that one guy yell again.

"Wai-what?!" I yelled looking down at the prisoners. "What did he just say?"

We landed on the roof, and glided back down to the gate. When we got there, Eddie looked at me like I was crazy.

"You're working with him?! He asked  dragging me away from the bat. "Are you insane? He put us there!"

"I know," I said holding my hands up, "He's helping me get my mother. He's the only one that can help. We know where she is, it's just that the place's security is-"

"High tech?" He asked. "You need my help."

"I said I'd get you out. And I did. I helped you. Now can you help me?"

He thought for a few seconds before smirking, "Anything for an old friend."

"Let's do it."

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