Terrible Impersonation

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It's technically a Friday for some of us in Washington County, due to some election thingy- I honestly don't care about it enough to know what it's for... what was that? I'm just making up an excuse to post a chapter today? Pshhhhh!......yes. yes I am. Zip it mkay? Be grateful...probably spelt that wrong, but u don't care. We don't judge here...alright....😂❤ ENJOY.

"My mother, left me when I was a kid, with an abusive man who claimed to be my father," I informed as I felt my fingers twitch by my side. "She had beautiful red hair that I used to say made her look like Princess Ariel...She use to read my three storied before I went to bed... Everytime my father use to slap me, she'd hold me until I stopped crying. And then she'd say to me,-"

"You're the angel's gift to this earth, that can overcome anything," We said in unison.

"Delilah?" She asked looking at me with wide eyes.

I felt tears run down my cheeks as I watched my mother, that I hadn't seen in so long walk up to me. She grabbed my hands, but quickly moved hers up to the sides of my face before looking me in the eye. I couldn't believe she was right here. Right in front of me. I pulled her in for a hug, with no hesitation. I could feel happiness spread inside me, so much that I dropped my pistol to the ground. We pulled apart after a minute, and she looked down at the choker i was wearing.

"Who's Puddin'?" She asked.

Tears kept running down my cheeks as all this emotion was hitting me.

"H-...he's a really close friend...That sadly isn't with us anymore."

"Who is he?" She asked again.


The doors behind us were slammed open, and a ground of men wearing a whole bunch of masks ran into the room, and surrounded us. I looked around the room at my men, and saw smiles spread across their faces. I felt a familiar feeling grow inside my stomach, as I looked at the weird men. But then I remembered something.

"Where's the bat?" I asked.

Suddenly a loud laugh boomed through the halls, and into the room. At first, I thought it was a terrible impression...but- suddenly the lights went out in the room. All I was focused on was the laugh, as I gripped my mother's hand.

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