Wake up!

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I stared at her in confusion at the information she just told me.

"I have a sister?" I asked surprised.

She got up, and started walking to the door, but I scooted in her direction and yelled.

"What's she like?" I asked only to be cut off by a loud female scream.

I jumped, and listened to what it was saying.

"Please! Let her go! She wasn't part of the deal!" She yelled.

"Who's that?"

A girl walked into the room. She looked exactly like me-only with my natural brown hair color, and blue eyes. She was wearing a black leather shirt, and skirt. Her knee high black leather boots were amazing. Wow- I did not know I could pull that look off. She smiled at me, as my mother whispered in her ear. My mother stepped back, and I watched as Denise took out a knife. She never broke eye contact with me, as she walked over to the Joker. Standing behind him, she placed the blade to his throat when I yelled.

"Don't! You dare! I will- don't do it bitch. I'm warning you!"

No words came out of her mouth- she just dug the blade into his neck. I yelled out as loud as I could, and I was suprised that that made her stop. She stepped back from him, as she covered her ears with her hands. Next thing I know, she's next to my mother. She teleported. My eyes widened.

"She's not human...?"

Denise looked at me, before walking over. She knelt beside me, and grabbed my throat. I couldn't even rip her strong hand off, because they were cuffed around the damn sink. I felt my lungs running out of air, and I watched as her eyes changed. Not like they changed color, or shape- the look she was giving me changed. Blinking, she looked around as if she was confused. She let go if me before backing up. After looked at my nother, she looked at her hands.

"Wha- are you-?...where am I?" She asked.

"You're at home, Denise...don't worry," my mother said as she wrapped her arm around the girl. "Everything's gonna be al-"

Suddenly, Denise grabbed her throat as she stared into her eyes. I yelled out for her to stop, but she didn't.

"Where's my mother?" She asked throwing her against the wall.

"What is she talking about?" I asked looking at the woman who claimed to be my mother.

The look she gave me, made anger build up inside me. I pulled against the restrains again, but still couldn't break them.

"A little help?" I said shaking my wrists.

Denise threw the woman across the room and she hit the wall before blacking out. I watched the girl walk over to me, and closed my eyes. Feeling the cuffs around my wrists break, I opened my eyes. She held out her hand which I took and pulled me to my feet. I ran over to Joker and opened the restraints. Then, running over to the unconscious woman on the floor, I knelt beside her. There was a pulse. Standing up, u looked at Denise who was staring at me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Denise," she informed walking over to Joker.

I stepped between her and him, as I gave her a 'dont-you-even-think-about-touching-him' look. She stepped back and held her hands up.

"Where's my mother?" I asked

"Help! If anyone can hear me, please! Help me!" The weak female voice yelled again.

I ripped the knife out of his neck, and pressed my hand onto the bloody spot. Denise just stared.

"Help him!" I yelled. Making her walk over.

She moved my hand off of him, which caused me to panic. I tried to touch him again, but she grabbed my throat and held me there. With her other hand, she pressed Joker's neck, and removed it seconds later. Her cold blue eyes stared into mine as her expression softened, "Look."

I looked down at the wound, to see it want there anymore. My eyes widened, as I relaxed. He was safe. She let me go, and I walked around to the front of him. Looking to the body on the chair, I shook his shoulder. When he didn't wake up I began to panic. What did she do to him while I was out? I then got an idea. Walking to the front of the chair, I held my hand up, and slapped it onto his face. He still didn't move. I slapped him again, and then a third time, when suddenly I was pushed back onto the floor. I jumped up, and threw my arms around him.

"I thought you were dead," I said tightening my grip. ".....again."

"I'm just me and you baby," he whispered in my ear. "Let's go home,"

"I can't." I said still holding him close. "I'm sorry. But my mother is here. Somewhere. I know she's here- I can feel it. We're close... I just need  five more minutes."

He closed his eyes and sighed,

"After we find her, then I'll go back with you. Please..."

He groaned/growled as he took my hand, "Fiiime-"

"Dee!" Floyd yelled running into the room hundreds in hand. He ran up to Joker and aimed the gun at him.

I instinctively stepped in front of Joker with my hands up, "Whoa! Stand down."

"You need to know domethimg," Floyd said not taking his eyes off the man behind me.

I looked at him confused, "What?"


"We have minutes Delilah," I heard Eddie inform walking over.

"Where is everyone coming from?!" I asked aloud. "Anyone? No? Okay. We need to movd. Floyd, can it wait until we get out of here?"

He seemed hesitant, but finally nodded, "Yeah."

"Okay, let's move....again."

I grabbed Jay's hand, and walked out of the room towards the sound of the crying. We got to a large metal door down the hallway, and I looked at it confused. I went to shoot at it, but Floyd stopped me. He then walked up to the door, and pushed a button which made the huge grey door slide open.

I stepped in, a small looked around the darkness in hopes to see something.

"Hello?" I called out only to hear an echo and chains moving around.

A guy moved his flashlight to the floor, and I signaled him to freeze when I saw the bottom of a foot. Slowly walking over, I watched the foot dissappear.

"Hello?"I said again. "We aren't going to hurt you...we're here to help."

The chains moved again, and suddenly a loud scream rang out, making me cover my ears.

The lights flickered a few times making the figure laying on the ground in front of me appear. Suddenly a dim light above the person flickered on, and what I saw made my heart drop. I heard one guy in the back scream, and I shook my head.

I saw I was standing in a dark red liqui- the same liquid that was all over the lady on the floor.

"Dee, I think we sh-"

"Delilah?" The weak woman asked as she stared up at me.

I shook Floyd's hand off, and crouched where I was....my eyes tried to focus on her, and my eyes widened when every detail became visible.

"Can we get lights on in here?" I asked not looking away from the woman in front of me.

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