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I got this weird feeling as if something wasn't right. I looked around, but still saw nothing. Then there was a black flash, and I was standing up. My mother was gone, but the blood was still there. Like before, I was standing in the huge puddle.

My arm was out as if I was holding something. These bright lights began flying around. Green. Yellow. Purple. Red. Red. Red. Blue. Orange. Red. Red. Red. Red. A loud yell was heard, and as I looked around my surroundings revealed themselves.

I saw a familiar painting on the wall beside me. Looking at my hand, i saw there was part of a knife sticking out of clothing. The other part was, well...you know... Inside them.

I looked up to meet the blue eyes of Steve. Oh my God. Looking around, I saw everyone's eyes on me. They were standing there with their eyes wide open. What had I done?

"Steve, Im-"

"It's okay." He interrupted.

I ripped the knife out of his chest, and watched him fall onto the floor. I looked around at everyone once again, and still holding the knife, I ran upstairs. I went into the room i was in before and locked myself in.

"Daisy why did you do that?" I asked aloud, as I leaned against the wall, parallel from the door.

I stood there waiting for an answer but i didn't get one. I punched the wall as hard as i could.

"Answer me!"

"Dee-...I didn't do that." She calmly informed.


"That was all you."

"Are you joking?"


I raised my hands to the sides of my head as i looked around the room in disbelief. NO. no. no. no. no. no. no. I...I didn't do that...right?


Taking a deep breath, i tried to calm myself down, but i ended up punching the wall again. Once, twice, three times, four. I kept going. I ignored the pain in my hand, and continued punching the wall. I fell to my knees.

"What has my life come to?" I mumbled.

"Dee i think you should get out of here." Daisy spoke again.

Her voice was different. I could barely hear her- like she was whispering.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"I- I don't...I don't know."

Getting to my feet, I went into the bedroom. I Closed the door, and looked through the clothes I had in my bag. So many things I could choose from...

I ended up putting on a green tank top, black leggings, with a black leather jacket, and wedged boots. Grabbing my pistol, and dagger, I stuffed them in my pocket, and headed downstairs. I also grabbed a bobby pin. As i walked downstairs, a few guys asked me where I was going, but I just shot them in their heads, and kept on walking.

I opened the door, and headed down the block.

"You feeling any better?" I asked.


"That's good."

"What?" She asked.

"I said that's good."


"Why not?"

"What the hell happened to you?!"

I shrugged, answering her question.

"So! Why are we walking? Where are we going?"

I walked into town, and saw the perfect place... a huge house, that belonged to some rich dude. Don't remember his name, but I have a few things to day to this man.

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