The secret

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It was so coo! But to some, people would say frightening. That's why I'm considered weird, or to some, a freak. It doesn't bother me much now, but when I was younger...I wanted to kill every single one of the people in that shithole, they call a school. Eventually I got over it, and moved on, hoping I'd NEVER see them again.

Hanging up on the wall in a dark, room lit by a few ceiling lights, which gave it a comforting feeling, was a picture. Not just one. About 25, maybe 30 pictures of me. Taking a step closer, I looked through the ones on the desk, underneath them. Me when I was at the park...Me when I was at the café with my friend Sam, one from last from two years ago....this isn't getting creepy at all...One when I was sitting outside the mall miserable...Don't ask. And one with me, and my dad. Huh? Why would he have that? How did he have the time to take those? And man that guy has talent! He Didn't just have pictures. He had drawings--paintings, and one sculpture, which was in the dark, and I wasn't going to see what that was. But the weird part was he didn't just have one. He had a whole bunch of them! Like I said, scary because he's a stalker...but impressive. Then it got really freaky. I picked up another picture, but this one was different from all the rest. For some reason it was flipped over. It had a date on it. 3/07/2001. I flipped it over, to see the picture, and my mouth dropped open. It was me, my father, and my...mother. WOW! I haven't seen her face in years.

I stayed in the room, for about 5 minutes, until I got the feeling of being watched. I probably was, I don't doubt that, looking at this place. Bunch of cameras, alarms, traps- yet looking around, there weren't any down here. Like he was hiding it...but from what? who? Why would his workers care? Plus the door had no sign saying to stay away! or keep out! Nothing.

Now I'm sure your wondering... am I going to run upstairs, and ask him about it, to only be possibly lied to? Or harmed? The answer to that question is no. I'll ask him later-Maybe tomorrow, or something. But if I get caught, I'll probably play the sleepwalking card, and hope that works. No promises. It depends on what he does first. If he attacks, then I was sleepwalking. Don't tell him.

I put the picture back, and fixed everything I moved, so it looked like I wasn't here. I thought ahead for once. :) Turning around, I went to walk up the stairs, when someone walked out from behind the corner. Where the hell did that come from?!  Whoever that was, they were mad. Grabbing my throat they pushed my back against the wall, and didn't say a word.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked in surprise.

"Why are you down here?" They asked.

I then knew who it was, even though i couldn't see their face. He was trying to disguise his voice, but ha! It didn't work. At. All. I started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because, your terrible at disgusting your voice."

He stepped back.

"Really? I thought it was pretty good."

Shaking my head, I replied, "you could do better."

"Alright. But seriously, why are you down here?" He asked, looking at me. "This isn't a room for you to be in. I thought you were asleep."

"I couldn't sleep, so I went for a walk. I saw the door, which had no sign saying keep out, or go away, by the way. So I figured, what's the harm?"

"Did you see anything? Just curious because I haven't been down here."

I gave him a look, but quickly wiped it off my face.


"You're lying." He informed.

"No I'm not." I quickly spoke.

"Yes you are. I'm not stupid, I can tell you're lying!"

There was a long silence, as we stared at each other. Then I sighed, which made him clap once, and say 'Ha I knew it!' As he pointed at my face.

"I saw the pictures, and the paintings."

"Anything else?"

"No, I- there's more?" I asked leaning forward with my arms crossed.

"Ye- I don't know. Like I said, I haven't been down here in a long time."

"I saw part of a statue, or whatever it was, but it was covered, so I didn't go over and look at it."

He sighed with relief.

"You're lying by the way." I stated.


"When you said, you haven't been down here? You were lying. Why would there be no sign saying anything if you didn't want people coming down here? Unless you didn't want to bring attention to it. Which, means your hiding it."

"Pshhh! No I'm not."

"Okay then." I spoke starting to walk away form him. "I guess I'll go tell your men upstairs all about what I found."

"No!" He yelled grabbing my arm.

"Why not? You're not hiding it, right?"

He gave me a look, before pulling me up the stairs, and slamming the door shut behind us.

"Don't go down there again." He demanded.

I nodded.



"I was sleepwalking." I mumbled.

"What was that?"

I shook my head.


As we made our way to the stairs, I noticed that he tensed up. I felt his hand brush against mine, and he increased the gap between us, trying to shake it off. I could tell, he was hoping I didn't notice. I saw his eyes look towards me out of the corner of my eye. Hiding a smile, I coughed.

We got to the top of the stairs, and as I went into his room , I noticed he followed me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, as he began to pull the bed covers down.

"What? I don't know if you're going to try and sneak down their again. The only way to make sure you don't, is to stay here, and watch you."


"Don't make it weird."

My mouth dropped open, at his words.

"I'm not."

I got into bed, and he laid down next to me. I turned on my side, facing away form him.

"And you weren't sleepwalking, by the way." He whispered.

 Damn, he heard that? Told you it wouldn't work.

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