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I'm in a good mood. Here you guys go. Only about two or three left.❤

"Can we get some light in here?!" I asked not taking my eyes off the women in front of me.

I waited a few second but then sighed when the lights flickered on. I was looking at the floor, so I moved my eyes to look directly into the lady in front of me.

"Are you alright?"

Blood covered her hands and face, making her look a lot more scarier then I thought she'd look like. Lifting my cold shaking hands to her face, I wiped the blood off her cheeks. Her blue eyed scared up at me in fear.

"Its okay, we aren't going to hurt you," I spoke reaching for her hand. "Who did this to you?"

"S-she was- I- w-was- It-"

"It's alright," I smiled, hoping it would calm her down.

She was shaking very bad, and stared at us like we were monsters from Hell that were coming to kidnap her...Maybe we are monsters, but we were going to hurt her. wasn't at least. I broke the chains around her small pale wrists, and sighed as I looked up at Floyd. My eyes went back to the woman, and I smiled at her. Hopefully she'd trust me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Where's my daughter?!" She suddenly yelled as tears ran down her face, "She has her! Please! I need my daughter! Tell me she's okay!...please? Tell me my Delilah is okay."

Her red hair was all in her face, so I brushed it away with my hand.

"I-" I looked away from her.

"You're daughter is fine," Floyd informed curtin me off.

"All that chit chat if gonna get ya hur-"

"Shut up," I heard Floyd cut Joker off.

I stood up and backed away, until I hit something. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Eddie standing there. I spun my entire body around, and walked out of the room. As soon as I exited the room, I slammed my back against the wall and slid to the floor. My vision became blurry, as I looked at the ground. Placing my elbows on my knees, I layed my head in my hands. Was that who I thought it was? Please, don't let it be her.

Footsteps were heard, and I quickly jumped up, as I wiped the tears away. Eddie popped his head out the door, and I sighed in relief.

"Oh, it's just you." I said looking at him. We made eye contact, which only made me look towards the ground.

He walked over, "Are you alright?"

I nodded and tried to lie, but he must have seen through it.

"No you're not. You're crying. What's wrong?"

"The slight chance that could be my mom is what. All this-...." I punched the wall, and yelled out in anger- NOT pain. Don't get it confused with pain.

"Clearly the emotion your showing means you're upset, Delilah. I-"

"This entire time! This ENTIRE time she's been here! All those years thinking she was dead- all those years of thinking she had just got up and left me with that selfish inconsiderate asshole! When really she was here... this.... this is all my f-"

"Don't say it's your fault. It's not. It's your father's. He pushed you to become this... don't let yourself take the blame for something he did."

I took the gun out of its holster and pointed it to my temple, "Don't try to convince me that this- ALL this isn't my fault."

He jumped forward, but I just backed up. I got to the huge window, and leaned against it.

"I do this, everyone's problems go away..-"

"No they don't, you-"

I felt my finger on the trigger. Closing my eyes, I thought of everything I had been through. The rejection, the solitary confinement, the freaks in the asylum, the torture- Everything that made me the person I was today... My hand tensed up, before I felt a strong painful pulse begin throbbing in my head. My body got weak, and I fell to my knees as the window behind me shattered.

A strong hold was felt on my wrists, and I was pushed against the floor. I didn't even care. I stared at the gun,  as I saw Eddie run towards it. He picked it up, and took one last look at me before walking away.

"Let. Me. Go." I yelled, only to be flipped around to look at the bat.

"No..." He said looking me in the eye. "I won't let you hurt herself."

"Why not? It'll fix everything I damaged.-"

"That's where you're killing yourself, you put even more pressure and sadness on the ones who care about you."

"Like who?  You? You wouldn't care! Neither would Floyd. No one would. I bet if anything, you'd be happy I was gone... just like everyone else."

"Spade?!" I heard Floyd yelled as he ran into the room. "Spade!"

He fired a bullet at the bat, but his suit reflected the bullet, making it fly towards Floyd. Luckily he dodged the bullet, making me sigh in relief. He yanked me up by my wrists, and dragged me over to the window.

"You really want to fall down there?" He asked pushing my head out the window to show us how far up we were.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to look... maybe that would have been a baaaaad idea....hehe...I'm a sheep...

"I think you should at least talk to her," the bat said from behind. "Give her a chance."

I stopped struggling, and he let me go. Turning around, I glared at him. My head still hurt, and I winced in pain as I held my hand to my head. His hand reached my shoulder, and I froze.

"The tumor is growing. You gotta get it out," he informed. "Now."

"I'm...fine.-" I cleared my throat. "I'm fine. I'm good."

I looked towards the door to see the woman step through. Walking up to her, I stare into her eyes. She wrapped her arms around me, and I did the same. I couldn't belive I had her in my arms... all the shit I've been through, and I finally had her in my arms. I sighed in relief, as I held her tighter.

"I'm so sorry," she spoke rubbing my back.

"You're okay. That's what matters. Don't worry about me-"

"I'm your mother, of course I'm going to worry about you."

A small smile spread across my face, as I imagined all the things we could do together in the future. A happy tear ran down my left cheek.

"I'm sorry I pushed you away," I cried.

"No sweetheart, you didn't push us away. I had to do what was best for you."

She fell to her knees, and I caught her. Slowly lowering her weak body to the ground, I leaned her against the wall. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and looked up to see Floyd staring down at me with a small apologetic smile. The look he was giving me said it all.

"Thanks. I know I'll be fine...I just need to get her back home."

"Home?" He asked.

"Yeah. I guess she can stay with us back at the hideout until I can get a job to pay for an apartment or something for her. Only then, will I be okay, and not have to worry about her  being in danger. I'll back able to look out for her there...until she'd back to her usual self. I just- thank yo-"

My phone suddenly rang. Cutting me off. Looking at it, I saw it was from an unknown caller.

"Answer it," she spoke.

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