Home Sweet Home

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They dragged me through the halls and we passed all these cells. My old friends! I though they would try to break out by now, but guess not. Too bad. But it's good to see them again! Even though when i was here they had no respect, and looked a me like i was a piece of meat. I was terrified of them years ago.

"Welcome back sweetheart," A guy named scar said smiling.

"How long are you here for this time kid?" Another one asked.

"Oh, not long!...Not long at all."

Turning the corner, i was brought to the more... protective area of the building. I was thrown into an old, light-grey room, that had nothing but a bench to sit on. I stood up after being thrown into the floor, and glared back at the two men.

The bench had a pile of clothes on it. As i picked the shirt, i looked at it in surprise.

"Why orange?" I asked myself. "They could have picked any other color..why orange?..well, at least it isn't neon orange."

I pulled the pants on over my leggings, and took my jacket off, so it was just my tank top. I picked the shirt back up, and shook my head.


I threw it into the corner of the room, before sitting on the bench. Sighing, i looked around the room, nodding my head.

"Home, sweet home."

Not even fifteen minutes went by, and i was already bored. I tried jumping jacks, walking in circles, walking from wall to wall, and sleeping. None of which worked! Then I did the one thing i always did when none of my others options worked.

"Earth to Daisy!" I blurted out. "Do you hear me?"




"Any- anyone?"


"At all?"


"No? Alrighty then!"

That didn't work either! Are you kidding me?! She had one job! ONE JOB! And she can't even do that! What a totally useless-

"Oh, no, you keep going with that sentence." A voice interrupted me.

"I- hehe, that was just-"

"Just what?" She asked.

"It was nothing. I wasn't gonna say anything."

"You can't lie to me Dee. I know you. I am you."

"No, you're not!" I raised my voice.

"You keep denying it, but you know the truth. You just don't want to accept it.-"

"I already accepted something once! And look where that got me!"

"Does the fact of me and you being one person really bother you that much? Because if it is then-"

"No! It's just- I don't want want the things you do, to be in me."

"Did- did you not see what happened earlier? That wasn't me, Delilah...that was you."

"Shut up." I demanded, remembering what happened. "I know who did it."

"You did."

"I already said I know."

Just as she was about to say something else, i closed my eyes , and tuned her out. I wasn't dealing with her now, or i really would have became crazy. Yes, I'm aware i have my issues, but it's not my fault. Bad things happen to good people. Sadly, I was one of these victims. The people around me were ridiculously abusive, and messed up in the head. Guess it runs in the family. I just got hit a different way then anyone else did. Also, I don't think being around another crazy person helps my situation. I wouldn't recommend it. Unless you're dedicated to being crazy. In that case, go for it!

As I sat there, I heard yelling coming from down the hall. Walking over to the bars, I saw two men standing outside my door, blocking me.

"Excuse me," I spoke. "You're uh, in my way."

One of them turned around, and looked at me with a blank expression. Still looking at me, he moved over, so he was in my way even more. He smiled as he turned back around.I gripped the bars tightly, keeping my mouth shut...

"Hey, I'm gonna go to the break room, okay?" The other guard said. "I'll be right back. Keep your eye on her."

"She ain't goin' nowhere."

Holding the bars a little higher up, I jumped up, and slipping my legs between the bars, I wrapped them around the guys neck. I pulled him against the bars, and pulling my legs leg, choking him. I jumped down, and grabbed his neck with my hands.

"Go to hell," I said, before snapping it.

He fell to his knees, and I immediately searched him for keys, or anything that would open the damn door. I couldn't go far, because the bars were in the way, and I sped up when i heard voices.

"Hey!" someone yelled.

I stopped, and looked up to see a guard at the end of the long hall. I continued searching the man's pockets, and heard him grunt. I looked back up to see people in the cells near him, kick their legs out, and try grabbing him. They were slowing him down, and as i realized this, a smile stretched across my face.

While they were taking care of him, I found something. B+Pulling it out of his pocket, i saw it was a key like the one Bob had earlier.


That one wouldn't work! It's a different type of key. I needed another one, but as i searched him, i found NOTHING! This guy was useless. And on top of that, the guys at the end of the hall were now losing the fight. Great. Just great. I decided to give up on the damn card, and grab his gun, but when i went to grab it, it was knocked out of my hand, and slid across the floor away from me...........great. I looked up to see the guard, who had an angry look on his face.

"Hello," I said staring up at him. "You just passing through I see...well, go ahead, I'm not in your way...go.

Next thing I know, I can't see anything...

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