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I woke up on something soft. Raising my head, i saw it was a mattress. The room was dark, only lit by a few lamps that were set around the room, giving it a warm feeling. I sat up, and had an immediate headache.

"Ow." I groaned rubbing the back of my head.

Looking down at my hand, i saw that there was no blood. I checked my back too, and getting ready for the pain, I closed my eyes...but it never came. Instead i felt something soft. Looking at my side i saw that it was wrapped with a white damp cloth, that went up to under my collar bone. There was a black tank top laying on the floor next to me, so i decided to put it on. It has a tear in it near my left ribcage, but it's something.

A man walked to the doorway, and looked at me like I was crazy.

"Where am i?" I asked.

He didn't answer. All he did was nod, and walk away. Okay??? Not weird at all. I heard footsteps coming fast, and seconds later before someone walked in the door, a laugh roared through the room. I stared at the door in surprise. Who the hell made that sound? My question was answered. The silhouette of a male figure stood in the door.

"She's awake." He spoke.

"Who are you?" I asked. "Where am i?"

As he drew near, his image became more clear. Crouching down to my level, i could now see him. He looked down at me with his sharp blue-grey eyes, and pale white skin. He had bright green hair, and wore a dark purple shirt with a silver suit jacket over it.

"You know who i am. Well...at least i know who you are. And your in my hideout."

I looked at him weird.

"And your hideout is where exactly?"

"So full of questions are we? ALL i can tell you, is we're still in Gotham."

I sighed in relief.

"Wow." He blurted out.

"What?" I asked.

"You sound happy about that. I bet you just can't wait to go back to that apartment of yours. Am I right?"

My eyes widened. How did he know about that?! Is he stalking me?

"Wow. Stalk much?" I asked aloud.

He laughed.

"If you want to call it that."

I stared at the floor shaking my head.

"Well, enough of that. Let's get you up."

He put an arm under one of mine, grabbed my other arm with his hand. Slowly pulling me to my feet, he smiled. Then without speaking, he walked us out the door.

"Where are we going?"

"Can't you just wait? And go along with the surprise?"

I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! NOTHING at all." I replied shaking my head.

As we walked, he started humming something. After a while, I recognized what it was. Crazy, by Gnarls Barkley.

"I love that song."

He looked at me confused.

"The song your humming. Crazy? I love that song."

"Huh! Didn't realize i was humming that."

"How?" I asked

"I don't know, i just do a lot of things without realizing it. Ha!"

"I know the feeling."

He stopped walking, making me look at him.

"What? What did you just say?"

"I said i know the feeling... Is that a problem?"

He seemed to be surprised.

"No." He plainly spoke.

Changing direction, we started going up a set of stairs.

"Now wher-" He covered my mouth with his hand, and shushed me.

"hmmnmmhmm" I tried to speak, but he couldn't quit understand me.

What i said was 'unbelievable'.

We walked into this cool looking room with a whole bunch of weapons. That was when he let me go. I walked over to a knife, and picked it up. It looked just like the.... one I had! Wait a minute!

"Why is my knife over here?" I asked picking it up.

"Oh, because i had to take it away, just in case you were gonna try anything." He informed grabbing my wrist and pulled me over, to sit in a chair.

"Why would i try anything?"

"Oh i don't know," He said sarcastically. "Maybe it's because, ANYONE NORMAL WOULD TRY TO ESCAPE, BY KILLING SOMEONE!..... But i don't know, just a guess."

"Okay. Why am i sitting in a chair?"

He pulled up a chair, and sat next to me. He held up a remote, and pressed a button, making the TV in front of us come on.

"Just watch."

I nodded. The title of whatever we were watching, was Test#1.

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