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The bat stared at me, before sighing.

"You don't mean that..." He said sounding hurt.

"I'm firing bullets at you! Take a hint! If you really want what's best for me, which I highly doubt you care'd leave me alone." I informed, putting the gun in my boot. "Because I won't miss next time."

I walked over to the body on the ground, and grabbed his wrists. I started walking down the block, not bothering to look back at the bat. My feet were starting to hurt from the shoes, so I walked weirdly. Almost like I was limping...I could feel the blisters forming.

I was tired...and three blocks later I finally saw a hotel. Dragging the guy inside, I went to the desk. No one was here, so I grabbed a random key, and went to the room with the same. number on it. As I walked inside, I was hit with cool air. I dragged him between the two beds, before lying on the one farthest from the window. I didn't bother turning the TV on...what was there to watch. I'm not putting the News on...then the thought of the fire fled my mind. Was anyone talking about it?

Sitting up, I grabbed the remote as hope started to build up inside me. I flipped to the News. And saw the fire on the screen. Firemen were putting the huge flames out.

"No one has been found on the scene, but cops have found a puddle of blood in one of the choppers. Who this puddle belongs to, we don't know yet. There are no bodies to match to the puddles. We will keep you posted. Now back to you-"

I grabbed the nearby book, and flung it at the T.V. It broke the screen. Sighing, I laid my head on the cool pillow, and eventually fell asleep....

Hours later...

I woke up to see it was sunny out. As I rolled over, I was blinded by the light...😉...of the sun. I looked towards the clock. 9:16am. I sighed, and looked at the body on the floor. He was still outcold...

"Please don't be dead." I said sitting up.

I slid off the bed, and knelt beside the body. Putting my finger to his neck, I felt a pulse. Okay, so he's alive, but not awake...alright...

I walked over to the desk, and grabbed the pad of paper and pen, "I'm hungry. You, my friend are going to stay here, while I go get breakfast."

I wrote a note telling him where I was going and to stay put and he'll be okay....Also if he doesn't I was going to find him, find his wife or girlfriend and kidnap her...then send him a video of her tied to a chair. That was it. Nothing over the top.

I placed the note next to his face, put my painful shoes on, and was about to walk to the door when I saw a pile of clothes on the bed near the window. I looked around, like someone would just pop up out of nowhere and be like, 'hey!'

Hesitantly walking over to the pile, I picked I up, and brought them in the bathroom. It was a pair of shorts with a gray tank top, a pair of black converse, and a black cap. And an eye liner pencil. Thanks...what's the message here? That's sweet... here, change your clothes, put make up on, and cover your face up. That couldn't be anymore nice... I put them on, pulled my hair up and placed the hat on my head.

I threw the other clothes in the bathroom trashcan, before walking back out.

"I'll bring you a muffin," I said as I left.

I walked down the hall, and lowered my head to avoid the cameras. Once I found the dining room, I grabbed two muffins. And not your normal hotel mini muffins. These were huge. Like the ones you buy as a four pack at food store. I got one chocolate, and one coffee one. I sat at the table, and ate my muffin, which eventually led to me eating both of them...shut it, I can't remember the last time I ate something. I was starving. I grabbed another one before going back to my room. I got there, and saw the door open.

" no no no no no no," I mumbled kicking the door open.

I walked in and saw the guy surprisingly still there. I closed the door, why was it open?! He was sitting on the bed. I whistled to get his attention, and when he looked in my direction, tossed him the muffin.

"Eat," I said walking over and sat on the opposite bed across from him.

He looked at me confused, "Who are you?"

"You don't remember me?" I asked, faking a frown.

He shook his head. Really? Nothing? you too.

"Well," I started. "You may know me as freak, girlie...idiot...yeah...not gonna lie that last one hurt......ouch. Anyway, we worked together a while back to catch the bat."

He stared at me.

"No? You put a friend in my head..."


"You treated me at the hospital..."

Still nothing!

"You know it would help if you didn't have a hat covering your face," he informed in a tone I didn't appreciate.

"Haha...I forgot about that..." I said removing my cap. "Now do you-"

"Delilah?! I thought you were-"

"What? You thought I was what? Dead? Yeah, no...not yet."

"Why are we in a hotel room?"

"Who's the one asking so many questions now, huh? We're hiding. I saved're welcome."


"Don't be, I did my job and in return, like always I got nothing. My life actually got worse. Do're welcome."

"I was-

"You were at the club down town... I saved your ass after you were attacked my some random person, who was suppose to shoot you, but somehow, "accidentally" missed."


"AND! I fought over your "dead" body after the bat attacked me while dragging you here. Uh, YOU'RE WELCOME."

"Shut up! Let me talk! Sheesh! Do you ev-"

"If you ask me if I ever shut up, I will slap you," I quickly informed.

"..........why am I here?" He asked.

"I need your help."



"Wait," he said holding a finger up. "Why should I help you?"

I looked at him surprised, and annoyed, "I saved your ass...Twice!"

"I would've handled it-,"

"You were out cold."

"I would've dealt with it-"

"You were outcold."

"I would've escaped-"

"You. Were. Out. Cold. What part of that don't you understand?'re supposed to be smart." I snapped.

Silence followed. He thought for a moment, before looking back at me.

"What can I help you with Delilah?"

"I need you to help me find my mother."


How am I doing guys? Are you liking where the book is going? Hoped you liked this chapter. I'll have more by Friday. Love you all! ♡

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