Emotionally scarred

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My eyes fluttered open as I came back to reality. Looking around I saw i was in the room across from Joker's. The door was wide open, and i heard people talking downstairs. I lifted my shirt up, above the wound, and saw there were stitches in my stomach. I'd move, and they would stretch, and it was just terrible.

I laid back down, as i thought about what just happened. A few hours later, i was still sitting there. That's what i did for most of the day. Just sat there, thinking, of what that dream could have meant. What did she mean? I'm not a murderer...right? Oh my God! What if i am?! What am i going to do? But also, what if it's not? What if it means something completely different then what she said. I'm so confused. I remembered Steve's face before i- you know...shot him in the face.

I was so confused, and scared, that one point I just busted out laughing. I don't know why, but I went hysterical. I hope no one had heard me.

When I finally got myself together, I went to the doorway Walking into the hall, I was hit with a wave of pain. It wasn't too bad, but still. I heard sound of metal against the walls again, which confused me. Is this a dream, inside of a dream?! That would suck.

You ever get those? I hate them. I don't remember exactly what happened, but I woke up one night, and I thought I was safe, until the thing I was running from in my dream crashed through the wall, and scared the crap out if me. It was probably the night my father got really drunk, and a shit load of crap happened. It was bad. I'm not gonna talk about it.

The noise stopped, and I walked down the stairs. As I got to the bottom, I saw a few guys bringing in groceries.

"You guys finally got food,"

"Yeah, didn't have time to get them before." One informed, placing the bags on the kitchen counter.

The one turned to me and handed me a plastic cup.

"What's this?" I asked.



As I took the cup from him, I rose it to my lips, and took a sip. Ow. The hot liquid burned the inside of my mouth, and that's where it stayed.  I didn't swallow it. I closed my eyes trying to ignore it, but it wouldn't go away. You know when you stub your toe, or bang your elbow into the door frame on accident? You try and think about ANYTHING else, to get your mind off the pain that is pulsing through your limb. That was this situation. But with coffee. It was touching my toungue....

"What's wrong? You don't like it?" He asked.

I shook my head, before quickly swallowing.

"No, it's uh, it's hot." I inforned.


Staring at the ground, I awkwardly slid away, not saying a word. I took another sip, showing the guy that I was actually drinking it, and went outside.

Once I got out front, I immidiately spit the coffee onto the grass. Scraping my tongue with my teeth, in attempt to get the taste of the horrible drink out of my mouth, I spit once again, and dumped the drink.

"Ew," I mumbled wiping my mouth. "I hate coffee."

I know, yes! I hate coffee! Kill me!...please don't.

I finished almost dying, and went to go back inside when I saw the same dude staring at me through the window. I froze. Like a deer, when it hears something.

"How ya doing?" I asked, trying to ignore the fact that he saw what I just did.

Not lying, our eyes were locked for like 3 minutes. It was just us standing there staring at each other.

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