Test Two

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I woke up a few hours later. Looking at the clock on the nightstand, I saw it was 9:15am. I shook my head, and sat up. Wonder what's going to happen today. I heard a click, and turned my head, to see Joker in the bathroom doorway, wearing only black sweatpants. I was still half asleep, so I didn't know if this was real or not.

"You're up." I spoke, walking passed the bed.

I rubbed my head, and eyes, to try and get my vision back to normal.

"Yeah, I think."

"Good. Get dressed."

He handed me a pair of clothes.

"They should fit you."

I took them from him, and looked at was I was holding. They were a red tank top, and black leggings.

"Who's are these?" I asked looking up at him.

"An old friends. She left a few years ago, and haven't seen her since. But don't worry about it, she won't be bothering us."

"Where'd she go?"

He stopped, and stared at me for a long few seconds, before replying.

"She's dead."


"But like I said, don't worry about it."

Standing up, I walked into the bathroom, and changed. I ran my head under the faucet, to make my hair look nice. Well atleast good enough that people wouldn't notice it hadn't been brushed, and calm enough, that it wouldn't bother me.

I walked out, and saw him waiting for me at the door.

"You ready?"

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." He spoke, smiling.

Not weird at all. I followed him downstairs, where we were met by four other men. They were all dressed the same; black pants, black shirts, covered by black jackets. Why? Not that you'd know. Just asking out loud.

"Everything is set sir." One informed.

"Good. Meet us at the place. 5 minutes, no less!"

Joker looked at me. And waved me over, as he walked out the door. We walked around the corner of the building, and into a garage. It was small compared to the rest of the house. It had only one car in it. And it was cool. All shiny, and everything. Looked like he spent a fortune on it. Or what he usually does; steals money, and uses it to pay certain people to make it for him. Or didn't pay at all, and just stole it. Then had his men paint it or something. Who knows.

He got in the driver's seat, and opened the passengers seat from the inside.

"Get in."

I sat on the white leather seat, as the doors closed automatically. Cool! Without warning, he started the car, and the car sped backwards, making me place my hands on the dashboard, or else I would have smashed my face into... Not funny.

We drove down the road, and in about, six, seven, minutes later, the car skidded to a stop. That's when I bumped my head on the dumb dashboard. Closing my eyes, I lifted my head, and turned it towards Joker, who laughed.

"Ha...ha......ha....Brace yourself." He spoke slowly.

"It's too late for that, isn't it?"

"Can you see okay?"

I opened my eyes, and after blinking a few times, nodded.

"Well then let's go." He spoke getting out of the car.

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