A Rescue?

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I looked up to see a person I haven't seen in forever! It feels like years...a smile spread across my face, as I saw the pale, green hair man smiling down at me.

"Joker?" I asked in disbelief. I placed my hand on his chest to make sure he really was there. I immidiately hugged him, without thinking.

"You got all dressed up for me?"

He smiled, "You bet I did." Something about him seemed... different.

Not like himself. I wonder what happened. He hugged me back and I felt my gun be removed from its holster. He pull me to his side. As he turned away from the witch, and fired the gun. He shot at her atleast five times, and missed all of them due to her ability to teleport. Which again...is amazing.

Joker let out a laugh that was contagious. He looked at me, and a laugh escaped my lips. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, as he continued to fire. I took my other gun out- the one Joker gave me a t the party, and began shooting also.

I looked around to see a few of the team members on their feet. Floyd and Boomerang were looking at me like I was insane..................... Maybe I was.

I fired one last shot before the I was out of bullets.

"Awe man!"

I went to grab a gun off of the ground a few feet away, when I was pulled back. Joker was looking straight at me now. He pulled me close and lowly spoke.

"Chopper. Outside. After the signal, run." He informed.

I looked at him confused, "What signal?"

He pushed me away, and took his other gun in two gands. He fired as many bullets as he could. I walked past Floyd and away from everyone. He laughed as loud as he could as he was firing, and then stopped. He took something out of his pocket, before rolling it across the floor.

"Buhbye!" He yelled backing away.

He turned around, and ran out of the room. I quickly followed onky a foot or so behind. We made it outside, and a helicopter was waiting for us. It was dark outside, but you could see the lights. A latter was hanging off of the chopper for us. We climbed up, and fifty seven steps later, we were in the helicopter.

We were so high up. Whoa. Looking away from the edge, I clenched my fists as I back away from it.

"Don't like heights?"

"Nope." I replied shaking my head.

I smiled as I looked back at Joker.

"How did you know where I was?"

"I have my ways." He informed. "Did ya miss me?"

"Honestly? Yes. I did. I thought-

I stopped talking when the chopper began to tilt. I grabbed onto Joker, who was holding onto something else. He pulled me in close as he placed his lips against mine. We pulled apart, and I smiled up at him. The helicopter then began to spin, and we were going down fast.

"We've been hit!" Thet pilot yelled over the sound of a loud alarm.

"What do we do?" I asked looking Joker in the eye.

Without anywords, he placed a hand on my shoulder, and pushed me backwards. I would have fallen put and fell to my death, it I hadn't grabbed onto the latter that was dangling. I heard Joker say something before my attention was drawn to an explosion underneath us. We got close to the ground, and I let go. I rolled a few feet, before I stopped. I watched as the chopper hit a building, and roll. I ran towards it,  but stopped when I watched it explode. Everything.


Eveeything lit up. I covered my mouth with my hands as I felt a tear drip down my cheek. I fell to my knees as I began to cry. It began to rain. Lucky me...

I sat there, thinking for like eight minutes until I heard someone call my name. I grabbed my gun, and held it up.

"Don't move," I ordered staying at the team members.

My gun was pointing at one person; Floyd.

"You son of a bitch...I trusted you...I trusted you! And look what you did!"

He stepped towards me worry with his hands in the air, "I didn't shoot it."

"Then who did?"

"I did." I looked behind Floyd to see the bitch who assembled the "team".

I pushed Floyd out of the way, and aimed the gun at her.

"Did forget about your-

"Don't you dare bring my mother up." I interrupted. " I don't care if you have her. Or know where she is. I bet there are other people who know that I can get the information from. I don't need you. We don't need you. We were all doing just fine, until you dragged us into this. This was none of my business. Now, look what you've done. Kill me now, I don't care. Because I am NOT helping you. You can threaten me, you can lock me up, you can drag me down to hell yourself, because I promise you...you're going to hell. But I am NOT helping you. Besides, even if you do know where she is, I doubt she'll want to see me anyway. I bet she doesn't remember me."

"She does. She asks about you all the time." She said.

I fired the bullet. I shot three. One at her and two at Rick. I fired, and ran. I didn't see where it hit her- hopefully in the chest or heart. I don't care as long as she's hurt. I ran down the street in the direction of the fire.

"Spade!" I heard someone yell.

I stopped and looked back.

"I'd get away from the unicorn!" I yelled.

They all looked confused. All but Boomerang. He took the unicorn out from under his coat, and looked at me mad. I faked throwing something, and he caught on. He threw it on the ground and it blew up.

"I'd run." I informed before running off.

I heard an explosion go off behind me, and couldn't help but turn around. They were all gone. All I saw was fire. It didn't hit the building where the witch was though...huh. I heard something scream. I began to run off again. When I felt a hand on my arm.

Looking at the hand, I saw it was pale, yet dirty looking. Like it was dug up from the ground. I, somehow looked straight into the witches eyes, and saw her smiling.

"Come child..." She said.

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