🐓Thanksgiving🐓(I know I'm late!)

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Halestorm Freak Like Me.
Riot Three Days Grace
Life Is Beautiful Sixx:A.M.

I ran inside the apartment, made my way to my door and jumped inside. Running around, I had a smile on my face.


The red head walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of cookies.

"MAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- cookies!" I yelled as I flopped onto the dark purple couch. I grabbed a round cookie, and took a bite as I looked at her. "Who's coming over today?"

"I don't know. Did you ask anyone?" She asked taking a cookie for herself.

She sat down, and I placed my head on her lap, "No. I don't know who to invite."

"What about that guy you have a crush on?"

"Mom! I don't have a crush on hiddjddhk-"

She shoved another cookie in my mouth, cutting me off, "Yes you do. And he likes you back."

"No he doesn't," I shook my head.

"Are you that blind?"

"....Huh? Haha! Sorry, I was zoned in on that plant over there on the table. What are you talking about? No he doesn't. He has a wife."


"He does."

"What about four eyes?"

"Eddie? He- he probably has a party to go t- who am I kidding? He's a nerd. Unless it's an annual nerd convention, I don't think he's going anywhere." I spoke jumping up. "Where's my phone?"

She handed me my phone, and I grabbed another warm chocolate chip cookie before laying back down. Pressing the number two key, I held the device to my ear.

After about... Idk fifteen rings, he picks up, " hello?"

"Hey, Eddie. First of all, you took ay too long to answer. Second, I was wondering if you wanted to come over tomorrow." I spoke hoping he'd say yes.

"But tomorrow is-"

"Yes I know- I'm well aware of what tomorrow is. Since it's just me and Mom now, I figured you'd join us. If you want of course."

"I thought was for family only?"

"Well you're like family to me." I informed realizing what I said. Did I regret it? NO. Did I lie? NO. "So.... is-is that a yesssss?"

There was silence for a minute, until he finally answered, "I-Sure. I'd love to. It's not like I have family here to have it with."



"You have us."

I could hear the smile stretch across his face as he replied.

"I love you. Not like a romantic way! More like a family-ish thanks-for-caring-about-me-and-thanks-for-sticking-around-i-appreciate-it sort of way but don't think I don't love you. I- I mean I wasn't saying your attractive. I wasn't saying your NOT attractive. It's just that I-"

"Eddie?" I said cutting him off.


"Don't make it weird."


"I love you too... See you tomorrow."


I hung up, and I busted out laughing, which made my mother look at me like I was crazy. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

"You miss him don't you?" She asked out of nowhere.

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