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I had finally gotten control back. Tears clouded my vision, as I walked over to the body. I knelt beside him, and looked at his face, as the tears fell down my cheeks. Why? Who? Who did this? I'm sure there are many people who wanted him dead, but none of them had the balls to kill him. I was speechless. I had no clue what to do.

"I'm sorry De-"

"Shut up." I interrupted.


I just stared at him. The lifeless body that lyed on the floor in front me. Wow. I was just surpised. So many emotions were going crazy in my head. Fear, sadness, and for some reason guilt.

Anger built up inside of me as I stared down at him; nothing but the negative memories filling my mind. He deserved it. No he didnt. Sure he had his problems, but no one's perfect. Why am I being nice? Ugh! I've had enough!

"I hate you!" I yelled.

I grabbed my knife, and began ramming in into his chest as my anger consumed me. I didn't care about anything in that moment. The more I remembered the memories, the more I drove the blade through his skin, and the less anger I had.

Blood splattered on the walls, as the rest poured onto the floor. A smile spread across my face, but then it immidiately dropped off, as I realized what I had just done.

"Oh my God." I mumbled.

I quickly rose to my feet, and backed up. Staring down at my shaking hands, I saw his blood all over them. I ran into the bathroom, and looking in the mirror I saw blood splattered all over my face. I rinsed the blood off my hands, and wiped it off my face. I looked back into the mirror, and saw my hair was a mess. I didn't care at the moment, and ran into my room.

Ignoring the dead body, I grabbed a small bag, and began stuffing my things into it. A few weeks worth of clothes, a picture frame off of my dresser, and a necklace my mother gave me. I grabbed my IPod before running into the hallway. Pulling up a piece of wood, I grabbed a few hundred dollars I had hid. Just for emergencies. It's a good thing I had hid it too.

"Son of a-"

There was a lot less that what I had hid. Whatever. What I have it fine. I ran into the kitchen, grabbed the matches, and a bottle of some type of alcohol. Dumping the liquid over the dead girl's body, I lit a match and threw it on top of her, setting her on fire. I walked into my room, and did the same thing to him. But this time I used a lot more alcohol. I soaked the beds, rugs, couches, tables, kitchen; everything. I lit the whole damn apartment on fire. Before I threw the last match, and sending the whole place up in flames, I grabbed a katana that was hanging on the wall. My father had bought it from, some guy, who- not important. I left the place to burn. I ran out of the building and across the street. I walked away leaving everything behind. I was free; I had escaped.

As I walked through the alleys i heard the fire engines down the road, and looked back to see the whole building up in flames. My phone rang, and answering it, I rose device up to my ear.

"Where are you?" A familiar voice asked.

"We aren't gonna get to meet today." I informed hanging up.

I was gonna regret that later, but I didn't care. It rung again, but this time it wasn't him.

"Hello?" I asked.

I didn't answer. I felt tears threaten to fall, as I heard their voice.

"Delilah! Are you okay?!" He asked sounding worried. "Where are you?"

I still didn't answer. What was I going to say? I just lit my house on fire? It's something, but no. I couldn't talk. My mind went blank. The sirens got clouder, as I felt myself walking back to the street across from the fire.

"Stay where you are, I'm gonna come get ya."

I stood in the shadows of the alley so no one would see me. The call ended, and I put my it back in my pocket.

Time Skip

I sat in a booth in a small restaurant a few blocks away from the apartment. I just sat there. I had ordered a burger and a coke so it looked like I was eating, but I wasn't. It was a waste of twenty-three bucks, but it didn't matter. Nothing did. Not anymore. Nothing would ever be the same. The world, my life - me. I stared our the window, as the darkness began to take over. The street light started coming on, and this time of the day was beautiful.

I started picking at the fries, when I saw someone sit down infront of me. Looking up I was surpised at who I saw.

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