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I looked to Floyd as the laughter continued. He just shook his head as if he knew what it was. Giving him a confused look, I spoke,

"That is a terrible impersonation. I-"

"Spade," my friend started, "There's something you need to know,"

"What is it?" I asked.


"Oh my God," I whispered as my eyes widened.

They walked through the door with their arms held out. I felt my hand drop from my mother's, as I stepped forward.

The lights flickered back on, and my heart fluttered. I froze. All my muscles tensed up, as I stared at the being in front of me.

"You miss me baby?" He asked.

"Jay?" I asked hoping with wasn't some dream. "Jay!"

I ran up to him, jumped, and threw my arms around his neck as I wrapped my legs around his waist.I felt his arms wrap around my body, and I smiled. I hugged him tighter, as I felt my smile grow. I pulled away from him, and just as I was about to say something, I felt his lips crash onto mine. I didn't hesitate to kiss back- I didn't want him to leave again. As we kissed, I felt a sile tear run down my cheek. We pulled apart for air, and I looked him in the eye as I smiled.

"W-where a have you been?" I asked hugging him again.

"Looking for you."

"W-we were a-t the new hideout. I thought- I thought you were d-"

Before I could finish, I felt his lips on mine again. He grabbed the sides of my face, and kissed me harder. It felt like he was saying goodbye in a way- which,! I will not! let him leave me again. Never! We pulled apart, and I just hugged him again.

"Don't ever do that ever again," I demanded. "You hear me-I...I thought you were dead."

"You know I'd never leave you," he spoke lightly pulling my hair back, to make me look at him.

As shaep sting stared in my head, but I didn't care. I just smiled at him. All that mattered was we were back together. Tears were streaming down my face, as I smiled up at him. He grinned down at me, which made my heart flutter. That stupid smirk. It was stupid, but I loved it.

I looked back to my mom, and smiled. I went to hug her again, but Floyd stepped in my way.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"I'm sorry Spade...I can't let you."

"Why not?!" I asked raising my voice. "That is my mom. "

"No iit's-"

"How the hell would you know?! You don't know her. Unless you did but never told me."

I took a step towards him, only to have him step back.

"Joker, control your girl," he spoke again.

He just laughed, as he put his hands on my shoulders. I stepped around him, and grabbed my mom's arm. She was freezing. I looked at her confused, but just as I was about to speak, I was kneed in the stomach.

"Owww," I groaned in pain, as I felt myself fall to my knees. "What the hell was that for?!"

My head was pulled back by my hair and my mom stared into my eyes with a cols expression on her face, "Watch your tone with me ma'am. Who the hell do you think you are?"

I then fell onto my back, as I watched as my vision faded. I felt around the floor, when I realized I was till awake.

"Why can't I see?" I said beginning to panic.

"Spade, we got ten seconds," Floyd informed looking over Eddie's shoulder.

"Denise, can you take care of that alarm please, sweetheart?" Mom asked in the darkness.

What sounded exactly like me replied, "Yes ma'am."


I felt myself be grabbed off the ground, before a dim red light turned on. I looked around to see Joker missing. Was he hurt? Did he leave? My heart sped up, as I tried to find him-

"Where'd Jay go?" I asked Floyd, before I felt everything shut down.

When I woke up, I was sitting in a bright white room, with nothing other then a sink that I was handcuffed to, and a large chair in the center of the room. My head was pounding- that's the only thing I was able to focus on. The boom, boom, boom doing of my headache. I closed my eyes, but opened them again when I heard the door to my right open. I watched my mother walk in with two guards behind her which were dragging Joker my his arms.

"W-why are you doing this?" I asked a I weakly sat up. "Who are you?- where's my mom?!"

She nodded to the men, and they placed my unconscious friend in the chair. Restraints tightened around his wrists, making my wince at the sight. They looked so cold- so painful.

She wrote something down on a clipboard, before walking over to me. Crouching beside me, she smiled and pushed a strand if hair behind my ear.

"You've changed so much," she said smiling.

I shook my head, and pulled away from her, "How the hell would you know?" I was slapped across the face. Turning back to look at her, I felt my eyes fill up with tears, but tried my best to keep cool. She got up and walked over to Joker. "You left me when I was a child! You don't know anything about me...and apparently I don't know you either."

She smirked at me, before it dropped, "Look how much he's changed you," she spoke playing with his hair. She dragged her hand up his arm, and placed it on his shoulder. "I never thought he'd do this much damage."

My heart dropped, as my eyes narrowed at her, "What did you just say?"

"I said, I can't belive he did this much damage to my sweet, little girl. I mean, I would have thought your father would have pushed you over the edge. You did a lot better than I thought you'd do."

I was handcuffed to the bottom of the sink, so I tried to break them with all I had, but it wouldn't work.

"Let him go," I begged. "Please!"

"Denise, the knife please," She spoke holding out her hand.

"Who's Denise?" I asked.

She knelt in front of me, and smiled, "Didn't anyone tell you? I left because I had better things to take care of..."

"Like what?"

"...your sister."

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