Broken Glass

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It had been a few days since my little reunion with the men. I had given them the address, and now I was waiting in the backroom for them to bring him to me. I needed answers. I was so focused on my thoughts as I walked laps around the room, I jumped when I heard a man walk in. Let's just call him Carl....😉.

"We got him." He said.

I followed him into the livingroom, and saw Crane kneeling on the floor as he was held down by two men. He looked up at me surprised at first, but then sighed in relief and laughed.

"Oh, Spade. Good. Tell these guys to let me go." He said with a smile on his face.

I nodded, "Sure. Of course." Nodding at the men, I stepped forward.

They stepped back, and I looked Crane in the eye with a blank face.

"What?" He asked catching his breath.

I placed my hand to his shoulder, and smiled. Then without speaking, I kneed him in the crotch. He fell onto his knees, and I signaled the two men to grab him again.

"You're an ass." I informed walking away from him.

"What? Why?!"

"Because of these," I said throwing my file onto the floor in front of him.

The pictures scattered, and his eyes widened. He looked up at me confused. I crouched down to his level, grabbed his hair, and look him in the eye.

"You knew...didn't you?" I rhetorically asked. "You son of a bitch knew that I had a tumor, and you just sent me away."

"You don't un-"

"Don't! Just, don't." I stopped him. "There is NO excuse. You're a doctor. Last time I checked, doctors are suppose to help people. Not make things worse."

My voice was calmer then I thought it would sound. It was almost scary how calm I was being. I had to controll myself. I've been good for this long. I can go another moment or two.


"was suppose to help me." I finished his sentence. I stood up, and nodded to the men. "Bring him to the basement. I want to talk to him alone. A team, I want you to scout the area. See if the bat is out. If he is...keep him busy. And don't get yourselves killed. He will find you...and when he does, give him this."

I handed the leader of the team the folded piece of paper I pulled out of my pocket. I had written it earlier. It just said a few little things.

A few men that were already out, arrived with drinks. I took one, before sighing. I couldn't belive he lied to me. I thought I hated him befo-

"Carl!" I yelled spitting the disgusting drink out onto the floor. "I said no coffee!"

I handed the hot cup to another guy, before walking to the front door.

"I'll be back. I need to go get a few things before we head out." I informed before making my way down the steps.

I got to the car, and hopped in. Heading to the store, I walked to the hair section, and found the right color. I said a little, 'aha!' as I picked the box off the shelf. I decided to get two, because you know they were the only two left, and that's my color. So, nope! Sorry anyone else who tries to buy the color I just got. You LOSE. Buh by!

I headed to the self checkout, because pshhhhhh! Why not. Not a people person. I scanned the boxes, paid, and left.

I was making my way to the car, when I felt someone watching me. I opened my door, and put the bags on the seat, when I was grabbed from behind, and thrown against the car beside mine. Two guys stared down at me with evil expressions. One grabbed my throat before I could move. The other punched me in the stomach, making me wince in pain. The guys who's grip I was in, laughed as I tried to rip his hand off. He was too strong. I kicked the other guy, making him bump into my car with a thud.

I was losing air, and this guy obviously wasn't letting go. I kicked my legs. But he just rose me off the ground. One last kick to the balls, would have made him drop me to the ground, if I had all my strength.

My eyes started closing, and my hands fell to my sides. Just then the guy who was choking me, fell to the ground. I fell next to them, and began rapidly coughing. I held my throat as I looked to the two men. They were shot. In the head. The bullets went straight through.

Footsteps were heard coming my way, and I was pulled to my feet by my arm. I looked up as a smile spread across my face for a split second.

"Long time no see." I said.

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