the strip club

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We appeared in this...night club? Music was blaring, and you could hear men talking as they drooled over the dancing girls. We were in a room in the back- i know that because everyome was looking in the other direction. I could see a girl dancing on stage, wearing purple shorts, along with a black bra. I looked over at the chick next to me, and gave her a look.

"Why are we here?" I asked. "And where"

"One you humans call, a club." She informed.

"No shit!" I commented. "Why?"

She handed me something, before  speaking, "This is where it will happen."

"You're terrible at informing people of what's going on." I commented again. "What is, it?"

"Your job." She held up a picture of a man wearing glasses and a suit. He looked kind of familiar. "He comes in here every other Saturday night."

"Let me's Saturday now?"

"No. It's Friday. He comes here every Friday night for some deal."

"How do you know about this?"

She handed me a binder. Opening it, I saw files of multiple people. Floyd, Boomerang, that fire guy that I was never told what his name was... Rick, the Enchantress...I got to mine and was thinking of opening it. Maybe later. I flipped past it, end saw the file on the man she showed before. There were pictures of the bank...and the court...and what I'm guessing is his house? And at the club. He was carrying a briefcase in every picture.

"I swear he's in love with that thing," I mumbled.

I flipped back to my file, and was about to open it when it vanished. I stared in confusion before turning around to look at the witch who was holding it.

"I wouldn't do that." She spoke making the book vanish into thin air again.

"So why am I here?" I asked annoyed.

"You're going to kill him."

"I would tell you do it but...I've always wanted to try one of those." I informed looking at one of the dancers from behind the curtain. She was on one of those aerial hoop things. She was flipping, spinning, and to be honest, kind of owning it. I have respect for anyone who can sit, spin, and flip on a hoop fifteen feet in the air. They got some skills.

"Put those on, and wait for my signal." She demanded.

I looked at the pile in my hands, and nodded. I held up the short ass shorts, and shook my head,

"I'm not wearing these." I informed throwing them on the floor.

They were short neon green shorts. I'm not wearing those. Uh uh..
Nope. Wouldn't be caught dead wearing those. I looked around for something better to wear, and- why did I think I would find something better to wear?! It's a damn strip club.

I looked back out behind the certain, for clothing and smiled when I saw the perfect victim- clothing!...haha...I meant clothing. Not-... you... you didn't hear anything.............. shut up.

"Can you poof us to the store real quick? I gotta get something."

I once again, took her hand and she teleported us a nearby store. I ran into the hair section, and picked out my color. I also had grabbed a pair of black Nike Legend 2.0 Reg DFC pants.

"Alright. Let's go."

And that lady's and gentleman is how you shoplift.

Going back to the club, I found the bathroom, and ran in. I opened the box, squeezed the chemicals into the bottle, shook it up, and began applying it to my faded hair.

I had finally gotten my whole head done, and waited an hour before I rinsed it out in their little sink. I wasn't taking a shower in those things in the back. God knows what all over that...

The sink was my best choice. Fifteen minutes of scrubbing my scalp later, I tried it, and vwahla! I changed into my new pants I got, and walked out of the bathroom.

"Alright. All I need is-" I looked behind the curtain, and saw the girl I saw earlier. "Those."

"He's here." Enchantress informed vanishing. "You know what to do."

I walked out and made my way over to the blonde preppy looking chick. She was standing with two men, so I had to distract them. I looked around, and waved two girls over, before pointing to the two men. They each grabbed an arm, and dragged them off two two separate rooms. The didn't resist, so maybe I was helping them out. Not the point though. I'm on a mission. I walked up behind her, and quickly wrapped my arm around her neck. Covering her mouth, I dragged her behind the curtain where I came from, and the her on the floor.

"What do you want?" She asked kind of scared.

The thought of the girl being scared, lit the fire inside. I felt my hand reaching out towards her, when I stopped, and pointed to her shoes.

"I'm gonna need those."

She said no, but after I threatened her, she gave in. Right before I let her go back out, I told her my name was Sky. I sat on the couch, putting my new shoes on, when I heard someone yell for Sky. The curtain was still somewhat open, and I saw a girl bring dragged out of the club. Ha!

Standing up, I went to walk, when I felt my foot want to twist. I quickly went stiff, as I let out a sigh of relief.

"These things are gonna kill me," I said aloud. I went to walk agaim, and almost tripped again. I went stiff. "Before a person, who really deserves to, does."

I walked around, holding onto whater I could. If I was going to do this job, I would have to learn to walk in these.

"Cause of death? Shoes." I said thinking about the cops who were going to find the body. "That's pathetic. Shoes? Yeah shoes. Turns out she took the job before knowing how to walk in heels. How fucking pathetic is that? They are going to find my body, and they are going to laugh....I don't blame them, would have to."

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