I'm Sorry, What?!

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BEFORE YOU READ THIS CHAPTER YOU NEED TO WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW! DO IT RIGHT NOW! IT'S AMAZING! WHAT DO YOU THINK OF IT?! HAHA!!! ITS SOOO COOL! I'M EVEN MORE EXCITED TO SEE THE MOVIE NOW THAN I WAS BEFORE! I LOVE THE JOKER! Okay, Okay, everyone take a deep breath, and calm down... I have never been this excited to see a movie, since Deadpool! Let me know what you think of the video. THX!...I'm not gonna lie, i watched the video literally five times in a row. I would have watched it more, but i had an idea for this chapter, so i got to writing. Also, when you watch the video, stop at 0:23. Who wouldn't fall for that face? I mean come on! Would you?

Delilah's POV

We got in the car, and the ride back home felt like it took forever. It was silent. No radio, no talking, nothing. There was nothing. The only thing you heard was the engine. We finally got there, and i went straight to the bedroom. Joker, being right behind me, stood in the doorway watching as I slipped under the blanket. I placed my head on the pillow, after dropping my bags beside the bed. Closing my eyes, I didn't say anything. I was tired from all the crying i did earlier, so as soon as i closed my eyes the burning stopped, and i slowly fell asleep.

I sat up gasping for air, as i looked around the dark room in panic. The sound of metal against the wall was heard, and my heart sped up. Humming followed not making the situation any better. I went to grab my bag i had left beside me on the floor, but i didn't feel anything. Where the hell was it? It was dark, and figured it fell, so i got up, and felt around the floor, but it wasn't there either.
What the hell?! Under the bed? Nope! Standing up, the noise got louder.

"Who the hell is making that noise?!" I yelled out.

No one answered. Instead the sound got faster, and as i got up, i slowly walked around the bed. I called out again, but still got no answer.


I kept walking, and as i got to the other side of the bed, a soft laugh filled my ears. I closed my eyes, and taking a deep breath, walked out into the hallway. It looked fine. Everything did.

"Joker?" I called out. "Anyone?...at all?"

I looked through the rooms, and found no one. Why? Where was everyone? I'm sure someone else had to have heard that, right? I mean it was a pretty loud! I looked back at the room i was in before, and felt a sting in my shoulder blade. I looked at my back, and saw something in my skin. Silently screaming in pain, i ripped whatever it was out, and looked at it. It was a black...dagger?

Looking in the direction it came from, my heart sped up again. Near the stairs, there was a black figure standing there.

"You gotta be kidding me," I mumbled.

You ever wake up in the middle of the night and its dark? Well of course you do... but have you ever looked around, and see something so weird or scary you have to look at it a second time? Like 'holy crap i think i saw someone in the hallway', but turn the light on, and see its only the vacuum? This was that kind of moment. Only...i don't think someone would leave a vacuum by the stairs, in the center of the hall...not even by the wall; SMACK in the center of the hallway.

It was dark, and i couldn't see that well, but i could kind of make out some things...like i could tell it was a person. That's about it. I didn't move. I froze. I stared at it, and when i saw it start walking towards me, i spun around, looking the other way. I felt something brush against my hand, and shut my eyes.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no," I mumbled again. "Go away, go away, go away, go away, go away, go away, go away...please."

Opening my eyes, i saw nothing. A smile spread across my face, as i spun around. I almost jumped out of my skin. I think i felt my soul begin to leave my body. I yelled so loud, whatever was right in front of my face should have gone deaf. Next thing i know I'm being pushed up against the wall by my throat. The person pulled out a long sword, and held it up.

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