What have I Done?

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I woke up in a dark place...no not hell. There was a window next to me, and I saw that I was in some kind of car.

"Oh man, you're still here?" I asked, seeing Batman in the driver's seat. "You gotta be kidding me."

I got nothing from him. He just kept on driving this super tight car.

"How do you deal with this? It's too small in here. I'm surprised you aren't claustrophobic. What do all these buttons do? Do you know what all of them do? How did you memorize all of them? And how long did it take? Do you have like a-

"Do you ever shut up?" He asked.

"Just trying to start a conversation. "Hey where are we going? And where's the other guy?"

"I'm on the roof!" A voice yelled.

I looked up to see Floyd lying above me. I broke out laughing.

"You're- ahahaha! On-you're on the- hahaha! Roof. You're on the roof! Haha! He's on the roof...hehe...heh... ugh. That's hilarious. That'- that's... rude. Why did you do that?"

"This son of a bitch put me on the roof! I'm gonna kill you!" He yelled to the bat. "I'm gon- you here me bat?! Im gonna get you!!"

"Hahaha! Oh!" I saw something flashing in front of me. I reached my hand out. "What does this button do?"

"Dont push that!" He yelled.

Too late for that. I slammed my hand on the flashing button, and to my surprise nothing happened. I sighed, dissapointed.

"Well that sucked. That did absolutely-

I was cut off by me being ejected from the vehicle. Wow. Didn't expect that. I mean that was the last thing I thought was gonna happen... I landed in whatever body of water was in front of us. I was shocked at what happened. And confused. I didn't know how to react. By the time I realized I was in water, it was too late. I began kicking my legs, but I kept sinking. I was running our of breath. As my eyes began to close, I saw an image of joker. I accidentally inhaled, and began choking. I was dead. I was gonna die in this- what is this? A lake? Ocean? I don't know. But I was gonna die here.

Normal POV

Batman stopped the car, and ran after the girl. She had landed in the water. From where he stood he couldn't see her. Diving in, he found the girl, and pulled her back up. He threw her on the ground, and began doing CPR.

"Look man, I can help you," Floyd spoke. "You don't want the girl to die, right? I can help- oh forget it. Why would I want to help you? Nevemind!"

Batman continued, until the girl began coughing up water. She sat up, and gasped for air. As he laid a hand on her shoulder, she punched him in the face, knocking him over. He got up, and just as he did Delilah ran up, and kicked his chest. He stumbled backwards.

Delilah's POV

I ran over to the vehicle, and cut Floyd free.

"You owe me," I informed before running away.

I ran down the street, and almost got run over by some idiot who wasn't paying attention to the road! Oh wait!

"Oh no," I mumbled.

I began to back up, when I bumped into Floyd.


I ran through the alley, and down another street.

"Hey! Wait!" A voice yelled.

I looked back to see Floyd running up next to me.


"You're coming with me." He informed pointing at me.

"Uh, no I'm not. Who "ordered" you to "kill" me anyway?"

"Someone by the name of-

I grabbed his arm, and kicked him to the ground, before I felt a shock of electricity go through me. I fell onto the ground in pain.

"You're welcome," I mumbled before blacking out.

*Time Skip*

I woke up on a bench. I was sitting up straight, and my back was against the wall. I couldn't move.

"Again?" I asked myself, looking at the wires wrapped around my entire torso.

"I wouldn't stand up if I were you." A voice informed.

I shot my head up to see a pair of eyes looking at me through a little slider hole in the door thing. Shut up.

"And why not?" I asked glaring at him.

"Those wires there. They- wait...why would I tell you? If you wanna know what they do then get up. It's a show for me. For you though? I don't think so."

I sat there for a moment thinking of what I should do. Alright, alright. The suspense is killing me! I placed my feet on the floor, and began to get up, but I was shot back onto the bench before I could get two inches off the thing. A zap was sent through my body again. I groaned in annoyance, as I looked up at the guy.

"What are you looking at?" He asked.

"I don't know. I'm still trying to figure that out."

He held his hand up, showing a small remote in his hand. I stared at it confused. What does that do? Smiling, he pressed the button on the remote, sending a stronger pain throughout my body. But this time just my head. I yelled out in pain, as I threatened my head back. It stopped, and I leaned my head forward, catching my breath.

"You...will behave." He said.

I looked up at him, not moving my head. My hair was all in my face, and it must have looked like I was insane.

"Or what?" I asked.

An evil grin spread across his face. The smile I had on my face, went away, as he held the remote up again. Electricity was sent through my head again, but it was worse. Think of the worst headache you've ever had...got it? Now multiply it by a thousand. And add an asshole controlling how bad it gets. Who hates you...and probably wants you dead. It's NOT fun. It's not! I wanted to cry, but I held it in. I let out a loud laugh.

"You're crazy," He said before slamming the little door thing shut.

"Ugh. What have I done with my life? What have I done to deserve this?"

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