Run Aways

66 5 16

66 chapters. WOW. I started writing a book i think last year, and it didn't even get up to this many chapters. I mean it got into the 40's but we're in the 60's. WOW. Enjoy this chapter guys, because...we're getting to the end. ENJOY!

My men and I ran into the building with ease...Or so we though. Yeah, they security was down, but that didn't mean there weren't guards inside. The place looked a lot cleaner on the inside- with it's bright blue walls, and white tile floors. Two men shot three guards down, before half of the men went to down the right hallway with me, while Floyd took the rest of them down the left hallway. We got to another corner, and shot another guy who was dressed in scrubs?...Okay? Why would there be- two more guards with guns ran up to us, but they were shot from behind. I saw Floyd run up from behind them. Both teams met up again, and we continued down the hall. We then ended up taking a left, to see an elevator in front of us. Everyone stared at each other.

"You're team can take the elevator," Floyd said walking over to the door right next to the elevator. "My guys and I will take the stairs."

"Meet you up top," I said hitting the button to the elevator. My team and I stepped in, with me being the last on in.

I went to hit the button to the next floor, when Floyd's arm hit the elevator door. He looked at the floor for a few seconds before finally looking me in the eye. The look he was giving me, sent chills down my spine, but I wasn't goin to tell anyone that. We stared at each other for a good ten seconds before he finally spoke up.

"See you up top,"

I slowly nodded my head before pushing the button. Just as the doors were closing, I replied, "See you up top."

The elevator shook, as we were raised to the next floor. I watched as the lit up button skipped from floor one, to floor three. I looked at the buttons confused, when suddenly I felt someone poke my arm.

"You have goosebumps," I heard a man say.

I looked beside me to see Carl. At first I just shrugged it off, but then I looked back at him confused, "I thought you were on Floyd's team?"

"No. I'm on your team." He informed facing the elevator doors again.

I faced the doors, and stared at the messed up reflection staring back at me, ".....Shut up Carl."

"Spade, you there?" I heard Floyd's voice ask over the earpiece i had in my ear.

"Yeah. What's up?"

"I found the hounds. We're waiting down the hall to your left when you get out." He informed.


I held my gun between my knees, as I grabbed my phone from my boot. Pushing the button, I saw I had a random message. I clicked into it, and saw it read I'm close. Having no clue whose number it was, I deleted the message, and went into Spotify. For those who don't know what Spotify is, it's a music app, like Pandora, but its way better. Pandora is like a radio app, and Spotify is an app where you can choose the songs you like and put them into a playlist where you just listen to THOSE songs. Maybe once in a while they'll play a recommended song, but you have more control over what plays then you with Pandora. Back to the story... I clicked on the playlist titled, Action, and hit play. The song 'Rap God' by Eminem came on, and a smile crept onto my face.

There was a ding! and the elevator doors opened. The hall was full of men, which my men ran after. One of the men behind me handed me a baseball bat, but I just looked at him confused.

"Where did you find this?" I asked looking the bat up and down.

"In one of our trunks. Thought you'd like to use it."

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