Let's Go Get Her

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Okay, I'm posting this now because I couldn't wait. It's short. Enjoy

"Where is she?" I asked aiming the gun in my henchman's direction.

He didn't flinch. The brown haired Caucasian man just crouched in front of the door, before speaking, "We know exactly where she is, Sir. The warehouse on 53rd. The one where you-"

"Got it, got it, got it," I said holding my hand up. I rose to my feet, and ran a hand through my hair as I walked over to him. "Don't you ever bring that up again. You understand?"

He nodded, as he backed up, "Yes Sir. I wont bring it up again."

I smirked at him, before dropping it, "Get the car ready," I demanded walking away.

I went down the hallway, and into the closet, where I kept a few things before we moved. I got dressed into another pair of pants, and ten minutes later my henchman walks back into the bedroom.

"Sir, the car's ready," He informed handing me my gun, and purple jacket.

Putting the jacket on, I smirked "Let's go get my girl."

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