Play Time

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I slowly made my way towards Crane.

"I'm in control of the situation Delilah."

"You aren't dealing with Delilah anymore..." I informed.

He went to grab something to the side of him, but I grabbed his wrist and Slammed my head into his face.

"Delilah, wow. You really need to let me have control more often." I informed grabbing Crane's hair, and throwing him into the chair. "This is fun."

"Don't get too crazy Daisy."

"Don't get too crazy Daisy." I mocked.

I started walking up to him, but stopped to look at all the sharp objects on a small metal tray. They were so cool! Scalpels, a saw, a knife, a bunch of needles, and syringes. Really sharp. I picked up the knife, and walked over to Crane.

"You have to watch out for this guy Daisy, he's dangerous." Delilah warned.

"Yeah? Well, so am I."

I walked over, and sat on his lap. I took the knife, and made a pretty deep cut in his shoulder, as I looked around. The guy jumped in surprise, and kind of shook in pain. Not fear. Pain. To be honest, I wasn't trying to scare him. I just wanted to let him know I wasn't going to be pushed around like Delilah was.

"Listen, you might be able to push Delilah around, but I'm not gonna take it, okay?" I asked.

He didn't answer. All he did was stare. His eyes never once left me. I got up, and walked around the chair. Seeing different kinds of liquids in syringes, I grabbed a random one, and read the label. Then the next. And the next one. They were all types of liquids that would make you hallucinate, pass out, and other things. I looked back at Crane and gave him a look. He was crazy. Cool, and impressive. But still crazy. I saw a brief case on the table across the room, and decided to walk over. I mean, why not, right? Of course...the damn thing was locked though.

"What's the code?" I asked, looking back at him.

Walking over, I looked down at him.

"What's is the passcode to the case over there?"

He just stared at me.

"I will cut you again. Maybe even worse."

He still didn't say anything. I thought about something, and I figured, why not? I really want to know what's in the briefcase. I got the knife in my hand again, and sat on his lap once more.

"You know," I started to say, as I twirled the knife in my hand. "I like you. No matter how much i really want to inject you with as many things as i can before i die, and see what happens, i like you. Yeah you're kind of cute, but nah, I'm not into...........well, you. But I think we can make a deal..."

"Daisy what are you doing?"

"Shut up Delilah." I ordered.

"What kind of deal?" Crane asked.

I stood up, and walked in a circle in front of him, thinking. Not thinking, because I already knew what I wanted. I wanted it to look like I was thinking.

"You let me go-"

"Not gonna happen." He interrupted.

"Let me finish." I cleared my throat. "Let me go, and I will help you."

"Help me?" He asked. "Help me do what exactly?"

"I can get you more people to experiment on."

"I can do that myself." He informed.

"I know...but I can help you get you someone special."

"Who?" He asked leaning forward.

I walked up to him, and placing my hands behind my back, I leaned over so my face was in front of his.

"The Batman."

He sat back, and thought about it.

"Now, it might take a lot of killing to get his attention, but-"


I looked at him surprised.

"What?" I asked.

"I said deal."

"Oh, well good."

"I let you go, you get his attention, and-"

"And you can do all the experiments you want on him."

"How will you get his attention?" He asked.

"It should be easy. They guy kind of stalks me. Well,... Delilah."

A smile crept onto his face. Probably imagining all the things he could do to him. He stepped forward, and I sat back down in the chair.

"How about we get sweet little Delilah to come back out?"

He walked over, and tightened the restraints.

"What if she doesn't cooperate?"

"Trust me, she won't do anything. Will we Delilah?"

Delilah stayed Silent, which answered the question.


I closed my eyes, and I felt myself losing control.

"Delilah it's your turn. Come out, come out wherever you are."

I felt me get released from her limbs, and next thing I know I'm not in control anymore.

Delilah's pov

I was back in control. Was it all a bad dream? Did that really just happen? I was tied to the chair once again, and I felt like nothing had changed. Like I stayed in the chair the whole time. I kept my eyes on the evil man in front of me. Smiling, he walked over to the briefcase, that was sitting on the table and carried it over. As he opened it, he stopped and looked at me. Taking off his glasses, he asked

"Do you want to see what's inside?"

"Yes!!!" Daisy yelled in excitement. "Please!"

I shook my head no. I didn't want to see what was inside the thing. I kind of did though. And maybe it was kinda bugging me. It could be anything. But I had an idea of what it was.

He ignore my answer, and took it out anyway. He held a light brown mask in his hand. To be honest it looked like a child made it. Took an old sack, and just scribbled and cut all over. It was damn cool looking, I have to admit. I'd wear it.

He tapped something in the case, before putting the sack on his head. All you saw of his face were his blue eyes. He walked over to me, pulling up a chair, and sat down in front of me. He opened his hand, and released a white powder. Once again, my eyes began to burn, and i started coughing like crazy until I was eventually surrounded in darkness.

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