This Is It

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Eddie and I took our seats in the bat of the loser mobile, as the bat sped off to the warehouse. As we drove, I looked down at my hand to see apiece of paper in it. Opening it, I unfolded to paper, and read it.

F3, S5, R14, P9-17

I looked at the paper confused. I guess Eddie noticed, and grabbed the paper from me.

"What are they? Some kind of BINGO numbers?" I asked laughing.

He chuckeld, but shook his head, "I don't know."

"That's helpful." I commented pulling out my phone.

"What are you doing?" He asked watching me.

"Texting one of my men to get you some new clothes," I informed. "You don't want to do the mission wearing your prisoner suit, do you? I wouldn't."

"Thanks, I want a-"

I held up my hand and pushed his face away, "utatatat! I know, I know. Husheshshshed, and fmdo your nerd thing."

Once I was done with the text, I handed him my phone. He did some hacker-thingy shut to it, and pulled up a green screen with yellow letters, numbers and symbols going haywire all over the screen. I didn't question him- I just let him do his thing.

We arrived at the parking lot across the street from the warehouse. The door opened, and I jumped out of the car. Running over to Floyd, I said hello, before introducing him to Eddie,

"Wassup. So you're like, super smart?" Floyd asked, looking at me.

"A nerd," I commented smiling at Eddie. "You know I'm only joking...kind of...not really..."

Floyd laughed, until the bat walked over. He just stared at everybody before turning to me and speaking.

"Ready when you are,"

I nodded, "Right. Just have to wait a second. There's still a few people that are coming."

"Who?" He asked.

"Who?" I said mimicking his voice. "Ha! I'm just playing with you Batsy."

I saw a dark van pulling into the parking lot beside us, and smiled, "Ooo, look who showed up."

I squeezed the paper in my hand as I walked over to the back of the van that pulled up. Opening the trunk door, I saw Crane laying there with a cloth wrapped around his head, to stop him from talking.

"Hiya." I said as he stared up at me. I grabbed his leg, and reached my other arm out. "Give me the needle,"

The syringe was placed in my hand, and I  jabbed it into his leg. After injecting the liquid into his leg, I threw the needle over my shoulder. I grabbed Crane's arm, and yanked him out of the van. He fell onto the ground, due to his legs and arms being tied together, but two of my men quickly yanked him to his feet. I kneeled down and cut the rope around his ankles, before looking at the bat.

"I found out the other day, that this guy right here knows his way around the building."

"How do you know he wasn't lying?" He asked.

"You see, I thought about that," I said taking my gun out. "That's why, one... one of my men went through his bag, and after some ...experiments we finally found the right medication."

"To do what?"

I looked at two other men, and they nodded before walking around to another van. They dragged another guy, who happened to be apart of my crew, with a bag over his head.  I walked over, and removed the bag. He looked around, and fell to the ground when the men let go of his arms.

"Tell me your greatest fear, Kyle," I demanded crouching next to him.

He didn't even hesitate, "Dogs! Please! Dogs! Please tell me you don't have a dog."

"Don't worry Kyle," I said patting his shoulder. "I don't have a dog."

He sighed in relief, but tensed up when I stood up.

"However, Carl over here does." I quickly added before walking over to the black viscous wolf.

When I walked over, it stopped snarling, and allowed me to pet it's head.

"You see, for the past few months this dog here has been living with my crew at one of their houses. My men here have trained her, and her older brother to...track...people."

"Like a bloodhound," The Floyd spoke with confidence.

"Close..You see bloodhounds track by scent. But these...magnificent creatures here...their tracking is more...complex than that," I informed taking the male wolf from the other crew member. "Haha, and we were going to try hyenas. I mean, I was up for it, but Carl here said they were too dangerous. Which for Carl is...surprising. Only a few people will understand that sentence." I mumbled the last sentence.

I took they two black wolves, and walked over to the edge of the street. Whistling, I ordered to dogs to sit. I turned around, to look at the bat, "The injection I gave Crane there is messing with his mind as we speak. He knows his way around this building. And thanks to that injection he will guide us to my mother."

I spun back around to the wolves, took my knife out, and sliced part of my finger open. I then moved my finger to the wolves, and allowed the two of them to lick the blood off, "Go get em'"

Eddie walked over and handed my phone back to me, "Security should be down for fifteen minutes. After that, the emergency alarm should go off, and the police will be here in less then five minutes."

"Thanks," I said taking the phone, and placing it in the back of my boot, next to my knife. "Really, I mean. I did leave you at the asylum last time we spoke- even when I told you I'd get you out... So thanks, you know, for not killing me as soon as you saw me."

"Well you did get me out of that hellhole. Besides, what are friends for?"

I removed their leashes, and watched as they ran towards the building. I spun around and took my gun from it's holster,

"Alright people, let's move out!" I yelled to the men. "We got fifteen minutes before that alarm goes off!"


What do you guys think? How do you think this book will end? Let me know in the comments how you think it will go. I'm so happy to be SO close to finishing a book, but sad that our adventure together through Delilah's life will be coming to an end. I love you all so much, and thank you for being here with. See you all next week.

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