Not Going Anywhere

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I sat there all night. Or day. I don't know what it was outside because I was stuck in a small cell! Who's fault is that, huh? I blame batman. Always. I will always blame that damn bat!

I was half asleep when water began pouring into the cell. I thought I was dreaming, until it had gotten to about knee height. Usually it would be changing right now, or I'd be somewhere else.

"Hello?" I called out. "What's up with the water? Did someone flood the bathroom or something?"

I nervously laughed, but as the water kept rising, I began to freak out.

"Hey! Can someone turn off the water?! Please?!"

I began to struggle in my restraints , but the damn electricity that went through my body stopped me. And just a quick tip...electricity, and water do NOT go together. Idiots. What are they trying to kill me? The pain was worse than before. It's difficult to describe- we all know how good I am at describing things.

It was bad. That's all I can say. It was bad. Bad bad bad. It hurt like hell. Actual hell. Yes, like burning fire hell. No, I haven't been to hell. I told you earlier, I haven't been there. And don't plan on going there. I'm just a victim of- I'm a victim. That's all I should have to say. I'm a victim. A victim! That's all I'm saying...Shut up.

The water had gotten up to my neck, and I yell out one last time at the top of my lungs before I was fully under water. I looked around, and saw absolutely nothing! Pitch black. Pitch black. Just as I was about to run out of breath, the wires around me sent a shock of pain throughout my head. I looked around, and felt the water go below my face. I gasped for air, and sighed in relief. I tried to get free from the wires, when all of a sudden, they broke. I was free! I had pulled so hard, that when the wires snapped, I fell onto the floor in front of me.

"Oompf! Cold!"

I jumped to my feet, when I felt the water come into contact with my skin again. Looking around, I walked up to the door, and slammed my fist against jt.

A loud buzz went off, and I looked down, and yelled, "Oh shit no. No no no no no! Please no!"

The water was back! It was rising faster than it did last time.

"Why? I mean why? Why me? I don't get it."

It got up to my waist.  Shoulders. And eventually my neck. I took my long, final, breath, before I was completely under water. I tried opening the little peep hole thing, in the door, but I couldn't. I guess you can only open it from the outside. You gotta be kidding me. Yes, I might deserve this, but I don't. I 100% do NOT deserve this. A kick in the side? Yes. A gun shot to the head? Maybe. Drowning? Definitely not! I'm just the victim here! Ugh!

I tried hitting the door, but my hand moved so slow. That it would hit the door hard enough. I tried swimming up to the waters surface, but that's as possible as a penguin flying at this point! Why haven't I- I blame my parent! Oh no. Bad time t bring that up! I'm just gonna get-

I felt myself drifting off. My lungs felt as if they were going to pop, and my head hurt so bad! So much pressure on my head. I let the air out of my lungs, as my eyes began to close. I blacked out.


I jerked forward, only to have my head slammed backwards onto something metal. I was strapped to a marl chair. My wrists, and ankles were held down my something. I didn't know what they were, because I was out of it. Everything looked all blobby, and nothing was clear. I felt as it I was drugged. I don't doubt it. I looked around, and saw the eat I could. A few people were standing around, and I'm guessing wearing blue masks on their faces. That's the best I got.

It looked like I was in a small room, with grey walls? Either that or they were gray, and so dirty that the y appeared gray. Grey? Gray? Which one is it? I don't care! I'm loopy at the moment!

I felt a tube go down my nose, and into my throat. I shook my head, trying to make them take the hint! but they were too dumb to! Idiots!

"Okay, we have strawberry, chocolate, or vanilla. Which one do you want?" The voice asked.

I'm gonna guess...its the dude from earlier, isn't it? Peep hole dude. Yeah, what was his name?I don't remember, but let's just call him Bitch face. Hahaha!, I don't really care what i call him. Let's find out what his name is first. I'm nice like that.

One of the three containers were lifted to the tube, and I felt the liquid rush through the tube, and down my throat. I coughed, trying to bring it back up, but it didn't work.

The guy, brought his face into view, and yup! It was him! It's sad, that that's what I saw clearly. Why not, oh I don't know, wherever the hell I was?!

"S-stop." I choked, wincing at the pain.

"What was that sweetheart? I cant understand you. Hahaha!"

My eyes began to burn as I stared up at him. I blinked, and the burning got worse, but then stopped when tears fell down my face. He took out his phone, stepped next to me, and took a damn selfie. This dude was more mental than I was. Wait a second, I'm not mental. Daisy don't count. She gone. I think. Hey, where is she? Haven't seen her in a loooong time. So sad...I kind of miss her. And don't- Daisy if you can hear me, close your ears! Even though, that isn't possible... Shut up!

"When I get out of here, " I started to say ignoring the pain. "I-I will kill you. I pro-omise you that."

He got in my face, and smiled.

"You're not going anywhere sweetheart. And even if you do get loose. You'll die before you get even close to the gate."

I began coughing, which turned into laughter.

I stopped and looked up at him, smiling, "Let's have some fun."

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