The Guy In The Red Shirt

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"Who's out there!" I yelled as I looked around.

By this point, I was fed up. I didn't know who was doing this, why they were doing this, or where it was even coming from! I then felt something graze my shoulder. I looked and saw it was bleeding.

"You missed my head!"

No more shots were fired at me. I stood there, waiting. We both know something is gonna happen. You know it. Just...Wait for it...waiting...waiting...waiting...waiting...waiting...

Five minutes later...

Waiting...and waiting...and waiting...

"Maybe they left."

A guy began walking in my direction. Just as I looked towards him another bullet flew right past my nose. Like, right up in my face, and just grazed my nose. GRAZED MY NOSE!

"And maybe the didn't." I blurted out. "Hey! Dude in the red shirt! With the gun!"

He walked over to me, and just stared.

"You gonna talk?"

Silence. He didn't say a word.

"No? Alright. Can you tell me something? Why we're you shooting at me? Where did you get that sweet looking gun? And oh yeah, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!"

"It doesn't matter," He said raising his gun up to my head. "I'm here to do my job...which, if you haven't figured it out yet, is to kill you."

I stared at him for a few seconds. Neither of us moved. Neither of us said a word- It was so quiet, you could here someone yelling from a mile away! A smile spread across my face.

"You're not gonna do it." I stated.

"Oh really?"


He cocked the gun again, and stared down at me. Once again, I didn't move. I didn't run. I didn't do anything. I just stood there. And so did he.

"Nothing's stopping you," I said holding my arms out. "What are you waiting for? Do it..."

He just stared at me.

"Do it," I said louder.

Still nothing. What is this guy's deal? He almost kills me two minutes ago, yet when he has the chance, he doesn't take it? Last time I checked, that's not how it worked.

"Come on man, what are you waiting for? Do it!"

I felt something in the gun move, and closed my eyes. Just when I thought he was gonna pull the trigger, I felt the gun move away from my head.

I stood there with my eyes closed. I felt a single tear roll down my cheek, and looked towards the ground. Looking away, I scratched the side of my nose, wiping the tear away. More were gathering in my eyes, but I shook them away.

"What do you want?" I asked.

He pulled out a small square device, and looked at me, "Delilah, right?"


"Delilah. That's your name."

I thought about it, but couldn't tell if he was lying or not.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You're. Name. Is. Dee-lyyy-lahh!"

"I'm not deaf, I heard you the first two time!" I yelled.

"Good, well-

"But I don't know why you're saying Delilah. That's not my name. Who the hell are you?!"

"Right," He said shaking his head. "Names Floyd."

I grabbed the device out of his hands, threw it on the ground, and stomped on it. He looked at me so mad, I thought he was gonna shoot me

"What the- do you know how much that costs?!"

"I'm sure you can't buy another one! But that's not the point."

"Right. Your name. What is it then?"

"Spade. That's been my name for-

I couldn't remember where I got the name from...That's a lie. I did. I just didn't want the guy to know that I did.

"Well Spade, you see, I was hired to-

A loud thud was heard from behind me. He stared at whatever it was, as he got his gun ready. I had an idea of what it was.

Without thinking, I threw my leg back, and hit what felt like plastic. Ha! He wears plastic! Hahahaha! How sad is that?! Hahaha! I'm dying of laughter inside. Oh my god! Haha! Ha! Ha!...ha!...ha... okay...I'm done.

I jumped behind the guy in red, and just as I did, he was thrown out of the way.

"Wow," I commented. "You threw him like he was nothing!"

The masked idiot threw a punch, but I ducked. And kicked him in the stomach.

"I mean. Come on. That's a grown man!" I looked towards the guy in red. "You have to admit that was cool."

"You two are so alike...Do you ever shut up?"

"Listen bat. Actually I do. And don't ever compare me to him. We're nothing alike."

"You sure," He asked grabbing my arm.

He twisted it, and grabbed my shoulder. My back was now up against his chest, as he leaned near my ear.

"Those men in your hideout? Even he said he would have done the same thing. What about Arkham? You came from him. He created you. You two can't be apart without freaking out. Your his reflection."

I got angry. Throwing my head back, it met with his face, and he let go of me. When he wasn't laying attention, I punched the side of his head, and  threw him on the ground.

"He will pay for what he did to you, Delilah. I promise you. I will tear him apart myself if I have to. Your not alone."

"STOP!" I kicked his head, making him lay flat on the ground.

I walked over to his head, and knelt down beside him.

"You wont hurt him."

"Oh really? You don't want revenge?"

Standing up, I repeatedly kicked his side letting my anger out. I didn't stop. The only time I did stop, was when the guy from before had picked me up.

"What the hell?!" I yelled hitting him in the chest. "Why did you stop me?!"

"You were gonna kill him if I didn't."

"I don't care. Why do you?! He was gonna get-

I was knocked onto the floor, again. I fought the best I could, but in the end I was pinned down on my stomach against the cool ground. Oh, and too help, it started to rain. Woo...hoo...

"You're scared. I understand that. You need to stop. I can help you."


Luckily the guy in red, who tried to kill me, pulled the bat off.  I reached into my pocket, but felt no gun. My heart dropped. WHERE WAS IT?! Looking around, I saw it lying on the ground about ten feet away. It was behind the two men. I ran to get it, but I was kicked in the stomach.

"Ow," I said stumbling back.

The bat had flipped the other guy onto the ground, and grabbed my before I could reach the gun. I was pulled away from it by my leg, and yanked to my feet.

"Stop." He ordered.

"Make me." I pushed.

I wasn't giving up. He wasnt gonna win- No way...Next thing I know it all goes black....yup......didn't see that all.....

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