I don't want your help...

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I looked at Enchantress, who nodded at me.

"Good job child."

"I did your job. Now, where's my reward?" I asked crossing my arms.

She walked up to me, and placed her hands on my shoulders, "What would you like?"

I didn't move. I gave her a look, which should've  answered the question.

"The fire..." She closed her eyes, and whispered something. When she opened them, she smiled. "Now, all you have to do is kneel beneath my feet."

"Whoa whoa whoa. That wasn't the deal."

She gave me a look, and I slowly began to kneel, "alright...alright...I'll kneel."

As I got on my knee, I reached my hand over to the guys'.

"You know, I always wondered something," I informed, looking up at her.

"And what is that child?" She asked.

"What are you scared of?"

As soon as I said that, I stood up, and threw the power in her face. She began coughing and waving her hands in the air.

I grabbed the guys arm, and pulled in over to the door. I grabbed Enchantress' shoulders, and pushed her onto the couch. Grabbing his suitcase, I ran over to the body and dragged him out of the room. His arm popped off...haha... I'm kiding...that's not what really happened.

I got out of the building, when she appears in front of us.

"We had a deal." I informed. "I did your job, you let me go. We go our separate ways."

"Give me the man, child," She demanded stepping forward.

I shook my head, and stepped in front of the body, "I need him."

"For what?" She asked angrily.

"None of your business."

"I can help you find your mother..."

"You know, I'm really tired of people throwing that in my face when they don't get what they want. Shut the hell up, and walk away. I'm done working for you. I killed the man you wanted dead...and now I will leave with him." I informed. "How do you know I even want to find her? Even if I wanted to I can't. I have no lead whatsoever. It's not gonna happen, and I'm not even bothering, so you can take that sentence, and shove it right up-"

I was cut off by her dissapearing. I nodded, as I sighed in relief. Starting to walk off, I dragged the body as I went. I got about two blocks down, when I heard something hit the for behind me.

"What now?" I asked myself, as I turned around.

The air around me went white, and my ears began ringing. I was pushed up against the wall, by something I couldn't see. I coughed, and threw a punch. Surprisingly hitting something, and gave myself a highfive...wow...did I- did I  really just do that? And who the heck is attacking me?

"You gave yourself a high five?" They asked sounding dissapointed.

"Shut up! You would've done the same if you luckily punched someone when suddenly blinded."

"I do all the time, but I never give myself a high five."

I recognized that voice. I ran out of the smoke cloud, to see...the damn bat!

"Of course it's you!" I yelled raising my hands to my head. "Why-Why wouldn't it be you?...You know you gotta stop stalkin-"

"Do you ever shut up?" He asked throwing a punch.

I ducked out of the way, and kicked him in the chest. I then crawled through his legs to then kick his back sending him forward. He spun back around and went to kick me, when I rolled out of the way. I threw a punch, but he caught it and twisted my arm. My back was now against his chest as his grip on my arm tightened.

"Why are you back here?" He asked.

"Now that's none of you business batsy." I said bending my leg which was between his legs, kicking him in the crotch.

He somehow managed to hold onto me, but when I stepped forward he fell forward. I began to laugh. I knelt down beside him, and rolled him over. I crouched over him

"Why do you constantly feel the need to annoy me?" I asked flicking his mask. "Hmm? Do you really have nothing better to do than stalk me?"

I got up, and began walking around him... "I mean everywhere I go, everything I do, your right there. Right there to annoy the hell outta me."

As i talked i waved my hands around. I guesd thats anoyher thing i picked up from him...

"Do you like getting me mad- do you like ticking people off?"

He slowly got on his feet, and I pulled my gun out.

"You're part of the reason this happened to me. This is your fault." I informed pointing the gun in his direction.

"Your in pain," He stated, taking a step towards me. "You're not thinking straight."

"All of this...is your fault." I said again. "My dad's dead...my friends are dead. He is dead...all because of you."

"Just put the gun do-

"I lost the only person that sorta kinda cared about me- I think- because of you! If you never jumped me in the street and brought me to that damn asylum...he'd still be alive."

Her went to step towards me, but he stopped when I fired a bullet in his direction. He looked at me surprised, but I saw sadness in his face too.

"Do you care?" I asked, tears blurring my vision. "That he's gone. That you ruined my life? Do you care, that all of this is your fault?!"

He didn't answer, which only made me more angry. I fired two more bullets towards him. The first one missed, but the economy one hit him in the side...yet...it didn't slow him down. What the hell is this?! That should've had him on the floor.

"Calm dow," He ordered taking another step towards me. "I can help you."

"You've done enough..." i informed. "Besides...I don't want your help..."

I looked at the floor, as I blinked the tears away. They ran down my face. I felt my eyes start to burn. They were probably all red by this point.

I looked up to meet his eyes, "I want you dead."

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