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As I explained the plan to the two, a few more guys overheard our conversation, and joined in. Step one, get the crew...complete! Once everything was finished, the recruiting, the explaining- everything, we went back to our cells. Eddie was at the other end of the section we were in, but he said he would be able to get to us. Things would have been way easier with Jones, but since he wasn't here, we went around the giant whole he made in the plan!

Now we just wait. And wait. And wait. Until the right guy came down the hall. As I sat against the cell bars, I talked to th guys across from me.

"How long have ya been here?" I asked the bald guy.

"Twenty five years."

"Wow...what for?"

He just began laughing. He slowly backed up until he was in the shadows of his cell...creepy. Staring at him, I heard footsteps and looked down the hall to see the one jackass I was waiting for...Bob. He walked down the hallway, and I rose to my feet, smiling.

"Sup Bob?" I asked, getting a look from him.

"Get back freak." He ordered.

"Ohh, is someone having a bad day?"

"He always is," the guy across from me started. "With a name like Bob- it must be hard."

Bob turned around, and took a step back, towards my cell. Idiot. But a helpful idiot. As the guy kept him distracted, I reached my arm through the bars, and went for the exposed key on his back...hold on a second. Can we just talk about how stupid this guy is? I mean you must have a real head problem to leave your key somewhere where people, like me, would be able to get it! But thanks! You just made out escape a little easier...idiot.

I felt the cool plastic against my fingers, and slowly slid it out of his pocket. I then walked over to the bed I had, and placed it under one f the straps, so no one could see it. Returning to the cell door, like nothing happened, I smiled as he turned around.

"Really dude, what's your problem? We're just trying to have a friendly conversa-"

Throwing his gun on the ground, he reached through the bars and grabbed my neck. As he pulled me in his direction, he glared down at me.

"You, need to shut up." He ordered. "All of you are crazy freaks, who need to be put back in line."

I started laughing.

"Oh, Bob, can't fix a broken toy." I informed.

After a few seconds of saying nothing, he let me go, and backed up. Flash!

Closing my eyes, I backed up against the wall, and slid to the floor with my hands over my ears. The flashes were back...the images of the man, and chick I had killed- whenever I did that. Days, hours ago, idk! But they were all I could see. No! I came back to reality for a second, and walked over to the bed, and sat down. Flash! The dead lady in the chair. Flash! My father on his knees, as he hung from chains. Where did that one come from? Flash! Crane, wearing his mask. We were in that room in the hotel, where he unleashed Daisy on me again. Flash! Daisy. Flash! My mother. Flash! Daisy next to my parents. Flash! Daisy standing above my bleeding father on the floor. Flash!

I was back. I punched the wall, making sure that I was here, and felt light headed. I walked over to the cell door, and everything went black.

I woke up tied to a chair again. Oh great! Where am I now? Looking around, I saw metal carts with different kinds of tools on them.

"Wonderful," I mumbled, shaking my head.

I heard a door open, and saw the lady who came in the interrogation room yeaterday. It was yesterday right? Or was I out for a month this time?! Oh, we're gonna have serious problems if that was the case.

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