The New Me

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I woke up in the same room. My head hurt like hell! I still felt the shocks in my head, even though it was over. It could have been worse, right? He could have killed me.

I heard a few voices, and called out to them for help.

"Shh!" I heard someone say, "She can hear us! Keep your voice down!"

"Relax! She can't hear us."

"I can hear you."I informed.

I looked towards the door, as I struggled the get free. A head popped out from behind the wall, and stared at me.

"Please," I begged. "I-I need help. Please help me."

Then I heard footsteps coming closer. The same face that popped out from behind the corner, was looking down at me confused.

"You- you will help me, right?" I asked looking up at him.

He quickly nodded, and undid the restraints. Once the last one was ripped off, I rolled over, and fell onto the floor. Wincing in pain, I felt two hands grab my shoulders.

"I gotcha," He said, helping me up.

I was able to get up with his help, but as he let me go, I fell back onto my knee. I grabbed his jacket as he knelt beside me, and tried to pull myself up.

"I'll get help hold on," He said going to get up.


I pulled him baxk down by his jacket, and smiled at him. Looking into his eyes, I spoke.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I placed my right hand onto his left cheek, making him smile.

"Where's Joker?" I asked.

"I'm not allowed to- he said not to tell y-"

"Please." I interrupted, stroking his cheek. "It's important. I have to tell him something very important."

"He's out at the new house. Working on the plan to-

"When will he be back?"

"Tonight. Seven o'clock."

"Thank you. That's all I needed for you to say. Sadly I have no use for you anymore."

He looked at me confused.

"What does that me-

Before he could finish, I grabbed the knife out of his pocket, and jammed it into his right temple. His body fell towards me, and I fell onto my lap.

"I'm sorry my friend. This isn't your fight," I whispered, placing a kiss on his forehead. "You were a civilian who got in the way. You freed me, and for that I am thankful."

Ripping the blade out of his head, I grabbed his gun, and stood up.

"Sadly you fell for the easiest trick in the book."

I ran to the door, and down the hall there were two more men. Two bullets was all it took to take them out. Downstairs there were seven other men. I walked to the stairs, and sitting on the railing, I slid down to the first floor. I shot them each as they  came at me. I had to stab two, but overall it was pretty easy. These men aren't the greatest at self defense. Now the guys that broke me out of the askylum...that was impressive! Can't believe these guys did that.

After I was done checking the house for men, I nodded my head.

"Awe no more? Too bad. I was having fun."

I walked out front, after making a pit stop, and took a deep breath. I put my jacket on, adjusted my bag, and made my way down the block.

I had to lift my hood over my head to hide my face, so no one would see me. I found a car in an alley, and no one was in it so- mine now. Jumping in the car, I saw there were no keys anywhere to be found....

After a few minutes of looking up how to hot wire, and steal a car, I finally got the car started. No I don't have my lisence yet, but when it comes to my job, I don't need one.

"Ah ha!" I said happily hearing the engine start up.

I backed up, and drove a few miles away. I got downtown, and I sighed in relief that I had successfully got away. No Joker, no cops, no asylum...I'm free again...

Ring ring ring.

"Really? It better be a wrong number," I mumbled picking up the phone. "Hello?"

"You..." The creepy voice spoke. "You killed all of my men."

It clicked! I knew who is was. Something about his voice sounded's hard to explain, but it wasn't like it normally is.

"Joker. I see you got my little present I left ya. Do you like it?"

"Yes. I do. I love it."

"I'm sorry what?" I asked tightening my grip on the steering wheel.

"Thank you. You did my job for me. I was recruiting some more, intelligent men while I was out, and was planning on getting rid of the old guys anyway."

"Damn... well, yourwelcome! Anything to help my friend out, right?"

What the hell am I saying? I cant- why am I saying these things?! Something about the way he spoke was just so...cute? I don't know the right word. I'll let you know when I think of it.

"When are you coming back?" He asked.

I thought about my answer for a few seconds...Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath.


I hung up. Throwing the phone in the back, I kept driving. 'Why did you do that? You never should have left. Your gonna be in so much troubke. What are gonna do without him by your side? Youre nothing without him. He completes you-

"No no no no no no no..."

All of a sudden the car in front if me blew up. Kaboom! Up in flames! I jumped in surprise, then looked around.

Who the hell did that? Where did that come from?...Maybe it was an accident...Just then, I jumped again, when the car behind me blew up!

"Okay! Not an accident!" I yelled.

I got the feeling as if someone was watching me. 'This is really getting on my nerves now.'

Grabbing my phone, I got out of the car, and walked in the middle of the road. I looked around, but saw no one who looked like they wanted to hurt me. No one had weapons. No one looked suspicious.

I climbed onto the hood of the car I had, and looked up on rooftops. Nope no one. They must have left. Jumping down, I opened the door, and sat back in the driver's seat. As I put the seat belt on, I felt a sting in my leg.

"Um...ow." I mumbled.

Gripping the steering wheel in pain, I held my breath. I mentally cursed myself out, as I saw a bullet hole in my right thigh.

"Where the hell did that come from?" I asked myself.

I looked towards the window, and saw a hole. I opened the door, and fell onto the ground. Getting to my feet, I looked around, and still saw NOBODY! Whoever this guy is, they're good.

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