I don't work well with others

315 19 4

She opened the cell door, and signaled me to step out. I stood there, not sure what to do.

"Come one. No one's gonna hurt you. I just want to talk."

Slowly, I stepped out of the cell, and leaned against the wall. I don't want anyone tazing me again! Then we're gonna have a problem!

"Follow me." She said before walking down the hall.

I followed, staying a few feet behind her. If you try anything lady, we're  gonna have a problem.

We got outside, and met up with four guys. One of them looked familiar.

"What is she doin here?" He asked.

"Nice to see you too Floyd."

"Only my friends call me Floyd."

"Aren't we friends?" I asked.

He shook his head, "No."

I thought for a moment before speaking again, "Acquaintances?"

"Not even close."

"Alright then."

"I'm sure you're all wondering why I brought you here," She said smiling.

"No, no...we're interested in that at all. We're more interested in why you chose to wear that jacket." I said sarcastically.

She began talking again, but I was more interested in why the dude beside me was strapped to a hand truck. He looked familiar. I've seen him somewhere, but I can't think of where. That bothers me.

"Any questions." She asked.

"Huh?" I said aloud. "I'm gonna be honest...I didn't hear anything you just said...more importantly, do I know you?"

I turned to the big crocodile thing standing next to me. He looked down at me, and I saw he was trying to talk, but could quite understand him.

I lifted my hand up to remove the thing on his face, when arms grabbed my wrists, and pulled me back.

"How about you not touch him.  Alright sweetheart?" The guy in the blue jacket said.

I just stood there. He didn't remove his hands, until Floyd walked over and ripped me away from the guy.

"Well talk later." I said looking at the beast.

Turning my attention back to the chick, who's name I forgot already, I sighed.

After talking for about five more minutes, a guy named Rick walked over. He continued talking, and blah blah blah blah blah. I didn't really care about their names, but when he said we're never leaving, I began to listen.

"I'm sorry, did you just say, we're not leaving?" I asked.

"That's correct." The chick answered.

"Well, we'll see about that. " I mumbled to myself.

"That's it for now."

All of a sudden two guys grabbed my arms, and dragged me back inside.

"Wait!" She yelled. "She stays. The rest can go."

I was let go, and from the angle I was being dragged, fell to the floor. I hit my back, and quickly jumped up.

"I'm good! Im good!"

She walked over to me, and grabbed my arm. Dragging me in the opposite direction, we went to a small training area, you could call it. It had all these different kinds of weapons. Guns. Nunchucks. Staffs. Knives. Grenade launchers- don't ask. They even had a few boomerangs, but, why would u need those? No one uses those. I don't know anyone who would use those. Why? Why would they have them then?

I looked at the lady, and she nodded. I picked up a gun, and as I did, five targets popped up. I shot two, and decided to put it down. I picked up a boomerang, just because, and threw it. It went so far I ouldnt see it anymore, and picked up a staff. The metal one. Not the stupid wooden one. Those don't do any damage. Metal does some real damage.

I got the staff in both hands when I was hit in the head.

"Ow!" I said holding my head where I got hit.

I looked down to see the boomerang sitting on the floor.

"Damn boomerang."

I got the pole ready, and waited. I kind of liked it. I began swinging it around, and decided to put it down, when I accidently let go, and it...went...flying. Yeah...whoops.

"My bad."

I decided to go with the two hand guns. Amanda, I think want was her name, walked over, and placed a hand on my shoulder. I shook her off, before looking back at her.

"Can I go now?" I asked.



"Rick here will escort you to your cell."

"I meant home." I corrected.

"Oh, well...no."

"Not a fan right now."

"Let's go Delilah," Rick said placing a hand on my back.

We walked around the corner, and made our way over to the door. It was about fifteen to twenty feet away. He had just removed his hand from my back, and I decided to bolt. I ran to the left. In the opposite direction of him. He yelled to come back, but as I always do, I ignored him, and kept on running. Why would I listen to him, or anyone of these people? I'm going home whether they like it or not.

"Don't stop," Daisy said.

I shook my head, "Yes thank you. Like I don't know that."

I got about, I don't know, forty feet away...when I was tackled.

"How the hel did you catch up so fast?" I asked looking up at Rick.

"You can't keep doing that." He said, pulling me onto my feet.

"Well then let me go home."

"You don't have a home." He informed.

I looked at the floor when he said that. Did he just say what I thought he said? That's cold. That's harsh! That's
..so true.

"I read your file. You burnt that place to the ground. The only family you have left is-

I had enough. He looked down at me holding his jaw.

"Finish that sentence, and it won't be your jaw that I punch. Ever bring that up again, and you won't be able to speak. Do you understand?" I asked looking him straight in the eye.

He got in my face, and looked me in the eye, "You won't."

"Try me," I said stepping closer.

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