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She turned into this more witchier form. Which I thought looked bad ass. It was cool! Wow!

Next thing I know, I'm on the ground. She can teleport?!

"Thanks for telling us that she can teleport." I said, as I turned to Enchantress, "Which is freakin cool, by the way."

I grabbed my staff again, and swung it around. It hit someone, but when I saw who it was I laughed. Floyd had the other end of the staff in his grasp.

"Haha......my bad. Look out!" He was punched in the back.

He fell forwards, in my direction. I felt my arms reach out, and catch him. I fell onto floor due to the sudden move, and hit my head.

"Ouch," I mumbled looking at Floyd.

"You alright?" He asked.

I rose my hands to my neck. "My head's still attached."

He jumped up, before helping me to my feet. Just as he did, the Witch appeared beside him, and threw him in the other direction. I went to throw my fist as her, when she wasn't there anyore. I felt a slight pain in my back, making stand up straight.

I wasn't in the building anymore. I was...home? Turning around, I looked to see mom and dad sitting in the living room. For once, they looked happy. They waved me over, and I sat down with them. They were watching The Money Pit. Wow...that's an old movie.

I felt tears collect I my eyes, and smiled. Suddenly it all started to fade away, until it was darkness.

"Spade!" Someone yelled.

As my eyes popped open, I three my fist up, hitting something.


I looked up to see Floyd. I sat up, and looked at him.

"Haven't you learned yet? Don't get close to me! Sheeesh!"

I walked away, and looked around. Enchantress had had everyone on the floor knocked out...yet...they were all smiling. The witch looked at me, as she held out her hand.

"Come child.....help me, and you will get-

"I'm gonna stop you right there." I interrupted, walking over to Boomerang.

Picking up his unicorn, which was lying on the floor, I held it up. I then walked over to Rick, and searched for his phone. Once I found it, I stood back up.

"You see this? It's a present....no matter how much I want what I saw back there...I can't. It's too late for me. I've done too much. I-

Clapping interrupted my "speech". I looked around to still see everyone on the floor. They were moving around, like they were waking up. An arm wrapped around my arm, as a familiar voice started speaking.

"No, no, no...if the man, I hire to kill this girl, couldnt do it,....then you, miss, can't."

I looked over to see a tux, and the person who was wearing it shocked me. Wink wink...

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