The Incident

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We walked out the door, and down the stairs back to the party. A few people were still talking, but most were staring up at us. Not weird. As soon as my feet hit the wooden floor, they all went back to talking. Once again, not weird.

The hours went on, suprisingly fast. We were all having a good time when they brought out the alcohol. I didn't have any, but anyone who did, had like five times more fun. The tension in the room broke, and the smiles were out, along with some brains. Out of their owners head. I swear, the things these people did, was so dumb it was hilarious. The drunks mixed with the non drunks, and it was chaos. Have you ever been in a situation where you need to be serious? And no one is suppose to say, or do anything rediculous? Like at a funeral, or hearing bad news? And then that one idiotic person does something, and you can't help but laugh? Yeah, this is that kind of situation. One guy was talking about his friend who had recently passed away. Of course this one drunk dude came over, and cracked a joke, making the room fall silent. Everyone had angry expressions on their faces.

It was all too much, I couldn't help myself. I lost it. Going hysterical, I felt everyone's eyes on me. Me being me, I couldn't stop, and when I tried to explain myself, I ended up laughing again. I couldn't stand anymore, and ended up falling onto the ground. I laughed so hard I was crying. Literal waterfalls from my eyes. They just kept coming. You ever see something so funny, it replays in your head over and over again? Like an old person falling? If you said no, then you need to pay attention to the world around you more. If you said yes, thank god I'm not the only one.

My stomach began to hurt, as did my throat, and forced myself to stop. I awkwardly got up off the floor, and looked around at everyone. I wanted to laugh again, but I don't know why I couldnt.

"Oh come on, you all know that was funny!" I replied to their looks.

They didn't say a word. It got really awkward.

"No?" I asked. "....right."

I walked away, and headed towards the room upstairs. I walked into the bathroom, and saw what I thought was gonna happen. My eye liner was messed up. Alone with my mascara. I looked like I just broke up with someone, and I cried my eyes out....let's just ignore the fact that that actually did happen.

I began to fix my face, when I heard mumbling, followed by a yell.

"Everyone out! Go! Before I fucking kill you all!" The voice said.

I quickly went back downstairs, and saw no one. It was completely empty. It was a mess, but everyone had left. Where did they go? I walked over to the front door, and saw it was wide open. Closing it, I jumped in surprise.

"Carl what's going on? I whispered to the man five feet away from me.

He stumbled his way over, and opened the door.

"If I were you, I'd take my things, and leave...before it's too late."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

He ran out the wooden doorframe, as best as he could. I saw he was limping, and looked down to see a blood line on the floor trailing behind him. I was confused, and he was probably drunk, so I ignored what he said and went back ustairs.

Once again the mumbling was heard, and I followed the sound, until it got really loud. Peeking around the corner, I saw Joker walking in a circle in what I'm guessing is his office? It had a desk, and stuff, so-.

I couldn't make out what he was saying. It was gibberish! Either that or he was speaking in a different language. Probably the first one, because I don't see him speaking German, or Spanish. Do you? I don't. He had a beer bottle in his hand, and had a terrible look on his face. Like the death stare, mixed with anger, topped off with hate. It may not sound as bad, but it was. Trust me.

I was concerned, so I stood in the doorway, and waited. He kept walking in a circle behind his desk, not noticing me what so ever.

"You okay?" I asked.

He immidiately stopped, and stared at me.

"What?" He asked.

"I asked if you were alright."

He laughed for a few seconds, before slowly walking over to me. The look in his eye made me uncomfortable, so I backed up.

"Why?" He asked.

"Why what?"

"Why don't you like me?" He asked again.

"Huh? What- who said that?"

"You make it pretty obvious..."

I looked at him confused.

"Why don't you like your presents I gave you?" He asked stepping forward.

"I do like them."

"Dont lie to me!" He yelled, making me jump.

I backed up until my back was against the wall. He was inches away, from my face. Placing his hands on my cheeks he stroked my right one as he spoke again.

"Can't you see I just want to make you happy?"

"I'm confused." I said.

"Don't play dumb." He demanded.

"I'm not playing dumb, I'm seriously confused!"

Next thing I know, I'm on the floor, and my head it stinging. Raising my hand to the top of my head, I felt a sharp pain run through it. Wincing at the pain, I saw my hand was now red. I felt light headed, and as I looked up, I saw a broken bottle in Joker's hand. Did he really just?-

"What the Hell was that for?!" I yelled at him.

He grabbed my throat, and pushed me up against the wall choking me.

"What did you say?" He asked getting in my face.

"Get off!"

Pushing him away, I went to run down the hall, but as I ran, I felt something sharp, hit my left shoulder blade.

"Delilah!" He yelled.

I turned the corner, and running down the stairs, ran out the door.

"Delilah wait!"

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