Dazed and Confused.

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Been dazed and confused for so long, it's not true.
Wanted a woman, never bargained for you.
Take it easy, baby, let them say what they will.
Will your tongue wag so much when I send you the bill?
"Dazed and Confused" by Led Zep.

"Oh, man. We're all out of dope!" Leo shakes his head, his tangled hair moving.
"Yeah. This sucks," I shove a handful of chips in my mouth. "What do we do now?"
"Hey. I know. There's this guy who always has dope, & they have food at their house."
Way ahead of my dad, I grab the keys to my white VW Beetle, & we're off.

In some guy's basement, Leo starts talking to a guy with curly dirty blonde hair and thick glasses, which hide his eyes. There are a few other teenagers my age here, & it makes me wonder why my dad, who's ancient, talks to them.
"This is my daughter, Dani," Leo smiles at me, his wrinkles turning upward.
I nod at them, & they start to introduce themselves.
The one with the glasses says,"I'm Hyde," and he takes a sip of his beer.
On the couch, a skinny guy with brown hair and blue eyes smiles,"I'm Eric, & this is my girlfriend, Donna." Donna, the red head, grins at me and says,"Hey. It's nice to meet you."
A short brunette with a dress on gives me a fatal glare,"I'm Jackie, and this-," she motions to the guy beside her in the turtleneck,"-is my boyfriend, Michael Kelso."
"And I," a guy with nice hair and smooth brown skin smiles,"am Fez. I would love to do it with you "
I note that he has a cool accent, but I chuckle,"No thanks." He isn't my type.
"Hey, Leo, man," Hyde grabs his bag of pot out of his pocket. "I didn't know you had a daughter."
"Neither did I," Leo answers honestly. "I'm going to see Kitty."
Once my dad goes upstairs, I take a seat in an empty chair, & Eric looks at me.
"Are you going to stay in town?" He asks me, his arm wrapped around Donna.
Looking at him through hazy vision, I bite my lip,"I don't know. I have to find a place to stay."
"Well, maybe I could see if you could stay here for awhile. I mean, maybe Red wouldn't be such a jerk with you around," he remarks, thinking seriously about it.
Laughing, Hyde looks at Eric,"Red wouldn't stop being a jerk for anything."
"No, thanks," I finish my third bag of cookies. "As much fun as that sounds, I can't intrude like that."
"Dani, it would be great if you were here. I'm going to ask," Eric stands, & Donna follows behind him. She probably wouldn't be cool with it since I'm a girl.

Kelso looks at me - well, my breasts - and questions,"Why can't all girls be like you? You're not so pushy and like - you're not Jackie!"
Blowing smoke from my mouth, I smirk at him,"If you're not happy, why are you with her, man?"
"Well, I love her, & we do it like a lot," he answers as he puts whipped cream on his nose, using his tongue to remove it.
Hyde shakes his head, his hidden eyes meet mine,"Whatever. I can't believe your Leo's daughter, man."
"Yeah," I nod, agreeing. "He's cool about everything, so it's pretty great."
"Just like the news from my parents," Eric gives me a thumbs-up, a smile on his face. "You can stay."

Hey, guys.
I know this chapter sucked, but you have no idea how badly I have been wanting to write this story.
I promise the story will get better, & I'm ready for her relationship with one of the guys to begin! Do you guys have any idea who it probably is?
Thanks so much for reading. It honestly means the world to me. Writing is my life, so you guys are just incredible. Please suggest this story, vote, COMMENT, & just continue reading.
I want your feedback! (:

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