Stay With Me Tonight.

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We'll fit together,
My hand in your glove.
Little, little girl,
I need your woman's touch.
My hot desire
Is runnin' away with me.
Come on, baby,
Set it free.

Stay with me tonight.
Stay forever.
Stay with me tonight.
You'll discover
That this feeling's right
Like no other.
Stay with me tonight.
"Stay With Me Tonight" // Quiet Riot.

"We're having a baby," I giggle, the happiness consuming every other feeling in that moment. Staring into Hyde's blue eyes, I hold his hands in mine.
"A mini Hyde," Steven tries to suppress his growing smile, but he just can't. "This baby could be the cause of all anarchy."
"Hyde," I look at him seriously, raising an eyebrow. "He's your child. All he'll do is cause anarchy."
Grinning, we go quiet for a moment, thinking about our kid. This is insane. Steven & I are going to be parents.
"We need to talk about Jackie," I break the silence, knowing I'll probably regret how this goes. Just the thought of that whore gives me a massive headache.
"I know," Hyde's smile fades & replaces with agitation. "I promise you that won't happen again. I was really confused."
"Were you happier with her?" I hear myself ask, not really wanting the answer.
He takes a deep breath, then Steven gives me one gentle, breathtaking kiss,"No. I never loved her."
My voice cracks, which makes me disgusted with myself, as I tell him,"Hyde, I just want to be with you. I don't want you to be with Jackie."
"You're all I want," he murmurs in my ear, pulling my body closer to his. With my back pressed to his front, I close my eyes, loving the warmth from his body. "I love you."

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