Bullet With Butterfly Wings.

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Despite all my rage,
I am still just a rat in a cage.
Then someone will say What is lost can never be Saved.
"Bullet With Butterfly Wings" // Smashing Pumpkins.

Six Months Later

Childbirth is not something I recommend for anyone. Imagine an unbearable, excruciating pain that stretches on for timeless hours.
Now multiply that by 1 thousand.
And square that.
To be completely honest, it was worth it, & I would do it all over again for my son, John.
Hyde and I were going to name him Hyde Jr., but he decided to name the baby after John Lennon. I didn't hesitate at all; John Lennon is a god.
Red doesn't like having a baby in the house, but he couldn't hide the smile he wore when he saw John.
Nobody can. He's the most adorable baby.
Making cute baby noises in my arms, John looks up at me, & he's almost smiling. As I feed him his bottle, I hear the door open.
With the most contagious smile, Hyde opens a shopping bag,"Look what I found."
Holding the sleeves of a black KISS shirt for John, he smiles at me. Gene Simmons's tongue is splashed across the front in a vibrant red, & it says,"Lick It Up."
My jaw drops while I smile,"Hyde, that's so cool. I love that so much."
Planting a kiss on my head, he takes the baby in his strong arms,"I'll see you when you're back from work. I love you."
"I love you, too," I adjust my walkie-talkie, then with a kiss for each of my boys, I leave.

As soon as I meet Kelso at the police station, he asks me,"Can I launch John into the air yet?"
Rolling my eyes, I smile at my friend & partner,"Just like yesterday, the answer is still no. How's your shift been?"
"At 3 AM, I was driving, & I met this cute girl on the street named Amy. She was hot. She should always dress like that."
Chuckling, I can't even believe he's this stupid, but I love it. "Ready?"
He grabs his keys, & we start our long shift.

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