D'yer Mak'er.

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When I read the letter you wrote me,
It made me mad, mad, mad.
When I read the words that it told me,
It made me sad, sad, sad.
But I still love you so.
I can't let you go.
"D'yer Mak'er" // Led Zep.

I cross my arms, looking down at Eric & Donna like I'm their mom,"We need to talk about this. Y-"
"There's nothing to talk about," Donna insists, brushing her red hair out of her face, her pale eyes full of sadness.
Beside me, Hyde has his arms crossed firmly & demands,"You guys are going to talk. You're in love. I ruined what you guys have, & I'm..." He glances at me, then finishes with a stubborn,"sorry."
"That's the thing, Hyde," Donna uses her hands to communicate for her. "You did the right thing. They cheated on us. Why don't you two just be together, then?"
"Look," Eric stands up, looking like a giant - especially compared to me, & says,"Donna, Dani & I shouldn't have kissed, but I'll tell you what happened. I went to her because I asked her whether or not I should propose to you. She said I should. I just kissed her, okay? I wanted to be with you."
"You were going to propose?" She, too, stands, smiling at Eric. "That's really sweet."
Hyde & I decide to let them be alone, so we go to his room. When he closes the door, I feel everything easily settle into place, & the relief that rushes through my body is almost orgasmic.
Sitting on his bed, we end up really high, & we're eating a lot of burnt brownies, which are not filling at all.
"Man," Hyde starts laughing really hard, wiping tears from his blurred eyes. "This is just great.

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