Cherry Pie.

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She's my cherry pie.
Cool drink of water such a Sweet surprise.
Taste so good make a Grown man cry
Sweet cherry pie, yeah.
"Cherry Pie" // Warrant.

The room fills with silence, making the smiles on Donna & Eric fade away. Nobody is smiling.
Kelso hops over the couch, screaming,"What is wrong with you? She's the only girl you can do it with now!"
Shaking her head, Jackie rolls her eyes at Michael,"You guys are too young. I mean, Donna why would you settle for him? This is a mistake."
As Fez & Hyde throw in their disapproving opinions, I loudly ask,"Why don't we just let them be happy?"
Again, the room becomes silent, & all eyes are on me. This time, however, Donna & Eric are smiling.
"What's wrong with you, Dani?" Sighing, Fez disagrees entirely. "We haven't even finished high school."
Perplexed, Hyde cocks an eyebrow at me, questioning,"You think it's cool to get engaged at 17?"
"I think it's cool to let them be happy. Guys, they've been together for years, & they're really happy," I state, which makes Donna's grin deepen.
"Oh," Eric shakes his head & says aloud. "I completely forgot. Red would shove his foot up my ass if he found out, so nobody is going to know but us."
Weighing her options, Jackie reasons,"This may not be completely stupid. I can help decorate, of course."
To that, Donna rolls her blue eyes & laughs,"Definitely. Eric and I are going to celebrate..."
Kelso, the pervert he is, gets up to join, but Jackie pulls him back onto the couch. As Donna & Eric run upstairs, you can practically see the happiness radiating off of them.
Sure, getting engaged at 17 isn't the most practical thing, but Donna & Eric have something real.
Hyde mutters,"Idiots" & takes another sip of his beer.
"What's the problem? They're happy," I run my fingers through his hair, which I know he loves. His hair is so soft. It takes my mind off of everything. I just-
"Come on, Dani," Steven places his hand on my thigh, pulling me more securely on his lap. "They're 17. They don't know what's happening after high school. I'm never getting married because it's just a trap. They're setting themselves up for failure."
Curious, I ask him,"Why don't you want to get married?"
"Married people are never happy," he answers as if it's a fact. "You come home every day to have your wife nag at you, & you can't have fun or do anything."
Giggling, I nod,"Whatever, Hyde. When you're not married, I'll visit you & make you happy."
"It's a date," Steven smirks, chuckling with me.
Man, I really love him.
And he won't say it back.

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