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You are my god.
You are my soul.
You're my savior
In a devil's world.
And I can't exist without you.
I can't exist without you.

You are my drug,
My miracle.
You are my cure
In this infected world.
And I can't do this without you.
I'm dying here without you.
"Bones" // In This Moment.

At the Hub, we see Leo, which is cool.
"Hey, man," Leo says to me, drinking a smoothie. "I haven't seen you guys in forever. How have you guys been?"
Before I can answer, Hyde shrugs his shoulders,"Donna and Eric are getting married. Dani's a cop."
"Congratulations," Leo smiles at them, brushing a gray strand of hair out of his face. "And you're a cop? I don't like cops."
"I do the exact same stuff as before, " I assure my dad.
While Fez and Kelso toss tater tots into each others' mouths, Jackie keeps her eyes locked on some fashion magazine. Donna and Eric are talking about the future, & things are okay.
Well, they're okay until this really hot brunette walks in & says to Kelso,"We need to talk."
"Brooke," Kelso says with a mouth full of tater tots, forcing them down his throat. "You're that girl I banged at the Molly Hatchet concert."
"Can we talk in private?" She casts her eyes on his. Intelligence is practically glowing off of her. I can't believe she had sex with Kelso.
He follows Brooke outside, leaving us to wonder.
"I'm feeling stressed," Hyde looks at each of us - including Leo. "We should go to the bathroom."

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