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Crouched over.
You were not there
Living in fear
But signs were not really that scarce.
Obvious tears,
But I will not
Hide you through this.
Wasteland // 10 Years.

In that single moment, you can feel the world stop. Hyde did that on purpose. I bet that was his plan the entire time. He probably was going to get back together with me just to say that. Yeah, he's a sick bastard.
Donna explodes, which is what I expected,"You kissed Dani?"
"Oh, no," Hyde feigns empathy, his eyes meeting mine. "It 'kind of just happened.'"
Without a second to waste, Eric starts apologizing, telling Donna how much he loves her, & that it was a mistake. I don't have the energy for any of this.
I crawl over to the corner, lay in my sleeping bag, & close my eyes. I know I won't be able to sleep. I really want to kick Hyde in the balls right now.
I feel him lay next to me, then he asks in a sarcastic voice,"Is there a problem?"
"Yes. You're my problem," I sit up quickly, just wanting to break something. "You are such a jerk. How could you do that?"
"Do I need to remind you that I'm not the one who kissed someone else? You have no reason to be mad at me," Hyde insists, trying to be innocent, but he did that on purpose.
Biting my lip, I cross my arms,"Did you want to get back together just to do that? If Eric & Donna break up, I will never forgive you. Maybe we shouldn't have gotten back together."
His smile fades as I said the last sentence. "Dani, I didn't think you'd get that mad. We're both assholes, & you know that."
"Whatever," I take his jacket off & hand it to him. "And you know that you're single now."
"Are you serious?"
I lean over and kiss him, looking in those beautiful eyes that I love,"Of course not. If we're not together, I can't torture you."
He pulls me into his lap, then I wrap my arms around him, looking at Donna & Eric.
They're sitting apart from each other. Donna is crying, & Eric has his head in his hands. They both look devastated.
I pull back from Hyde & refuel with anger,"Look at what you did. Fix that now."
"I kind of like when you boss me around like-"
"Steven," I get off of him & sigh. "I'm serious."
I really hope this trip isn't ruined.

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