Appetite For Destruction.

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"What happened?" I ask, which makes my migraine worsen - if that's even possible.
Staring at me through the lens of his glasses, Hyde's expression is stern - like he's holding back anger,"I don't know, Dani. Why don't you tell me?"
Irritated, I sit up on his bed, rubbing my temples,"If I knew the answer, Hyde, why would I have asked you?"
His eyebrows raise to my response, then he crosses his arms over his chest,"Did you know that when you get drunk you tell the truth?"
I stare at him, momentarily forgetting about my immense pounding in my head,"You know about my childhood & William?"
"Yeah, I know about everything."
"Then, why are you mad? Are you upset that I didn't tell you? Because I don't-"
Steven's eyes narrow at me as he cuts me off abruptly,"You kissed Eric?"
"Oh!" Relieved, I laugh it off. "I thought it was something serious."
"What?" Hyde looks at me, anger & disbelief in his eyes. "That is serious. You kissed Eric."
"Eric kissed me, & it didn't mean anything. He had a problem, I gave him advice, & it was just a short kiss that was more like - a brother & sister kissing."
"Do sisters bite the brother's lips?" He cocks an eyebrow at me. Running his fingers through his hair, he glares down at me.
"I- I'm sorry, Hyde," I apologize & silently wish this migraine would just go away. How much did I drink? I don't remember a thing. "He was upset, & it just kind of happened."
What he says next takes my breath away:
"When I break up with you, it'll kind of just happen."
I hide my emotions when he says that, although it crushes my heart. I ask,"Are you breaking up with me?"
With tension all over his face, he nods, his arms still crossed. I hold his gaze for a moment longer, then I leave.

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