All My Love.

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All of my love, all of my love,
All of my love to you.
"All My Love" // Led Zep.

We ended up smoking in the bathroom, which was pretty cool.
Apparently, Brooke, the girl Kelso hooked up with, is pregnant, so he's at home, sulking. I don't blame him. Having a baby is a lot of work.
Heading down to the basement, I stop at the stairs when I hear two people talking: Jackie & Hyde.
Jackie asks him quietly,"When are you going to tell her, Steven?"
"I don't know."
"Are you even serious about us being together?" She asks him. That makes my heart sink to the bottomless pit of my stomach. My heart breaks for the millionth time because of Hyde. How long have they been "together?"
"Yes, Jackie," he answers her, then I hear them making out, & it's too much for me to handle. I can't do this.
After all that Hyde & I have been through, I thought he would actually be faithful this time. I was wrong. I love him more than anything, & he throws it away as if our relationship means nothing.

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