L.o.v.e. Machine.

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What can I do for you?
Am I your wildest dream?
What do I move in you?
Am I what I seem?
My eyes they lie, and you cry.
Love brings you pain!
And if you try to love me,
You'll not be the same!
"L.o.v.e. Machine" //

Checking myself in the mirror, I decide I look decent. Last night, we all decided this summer would be memorable, & we would do some insane things.
I'm wearing my black Led Zeppelin sweater Hyde gave me, my black ripped jeans, & boots. With my hair pulled into a messy bun, I head downstairs, already hearing everyone outside.
When I get in the front yard, I see my friends crowded around my car, which can't be good.
"That looks great, man," I hear Hyde say, so I stand behind Fez, viewing my car.
My amazing white 1967 VW Beetle has a green pot leaf on the roof, looking just like the one we painted on the water tower.
"Guys," I blink hard, staring at my vandalised roof. "This is the coolest thing I've ever seen."
Donna, smiling, says,"It was Hyde's idea."
Holding his hand, I kiss his cheek, then I ask,"What do you guys want to do?"

30 minutes later

"It's completely safe," Kelso tells Jackie, who doubts this, as he puts the football helmet on.
"Why did I agree to this?" Jackie asks, getting into the van.
This is one of many probably fatal but great plans we have for today: Jackie is going to drive down Mt. Hump while the rest of us hold onto the outside of the van. Because Michael is laying on top of the van, he gets to wear the helmet.
As we countdown, I hold onto the top of the van, ready to go down our rocky terrain. Yes, we do stupid things, but we have fun.
As instructed, Jackie slams on the gas pedal, and we start speeding down Mt. Hump.
Driving over several rocks and bumps, the van leaps into the air a few times, leaving us certain we're going to die. With adrenaline pumping through my blood, we pick up speed.
Somehow, the van spins completely, making us travel down a different path. Dirt spews from the tires as we get to the bottom and quickly turn left.
Throwing the helmet off,Kelso hops off the van, helping me down.
He cheers loudly, pumping his fist in the air,"That was awesome!"
Jackie, now out of the van, gasps, her delicate hand on her chest,"My life flashed before my eyes. I saw mostly diamonds, money, and manicures."
Agreeing, Eric says,"Me, too, but I mostly heard Red yelling that he was going to put his foot in my ass."
"Wanna go to the Hub?" Fez questions, brushing the dirt off of his pants.

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