I Am The Fire.

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I am the fire.
I am burning brighter.
Roaring like a storm.
And I am the one I've been waiting for.
Screaming like a siren.
Alive and burning brighter.
I am the fire.
"I Am The Fire" // Halestorm.

The entire gang is in the basement. Eric & Donna forced all of us to come here to talk. I don't know exactly why, but I think I can figure it out.
"Listen," Eric uses his mastered hand gestures to begin the discussion,"I had to call you all here. I feel like we spend more time arguing than having fun anymore. We're legally adults. We can do stuff now, but all we do is bicker."
Standing beside him, Donna adds,"We aren't targeting anyone, but we want all of this to be figured out here and now."
With that, they both sit on the dryer, waiting for someone to say something. I have nothing to say.
Although Hyde tries to pull her back, Jackie stands up,"I think Dani should be kicked from the group."
Kelso is taken aback, but I expected something bitchy to come from her, & he asks,"Why? She's one of my best friends. She helped me a lot when you cheated on me."
Fez smiles at me, putting in his opinion,"She helped me find the best Playboys, & she makes me feel better when I'm sad."
Jackie cuts them both off by whining,"But she has torn this group apart. She's always moody, & I think she's rude."
Donna makes a really good point,"Without Dani, you wouldn't be with Hyde."
Randy jumps in, honing in on Jackie,"You kind of took Hyde away from her, but it's clear she still loves him."
"Okay," Eric sighs, looking at me with his pale blue eyes. "Yeah, that's the main thing. You still love Hyde, & I understand."
"I still love Jackie," Kelso mutters, so I rub his knee in a comforting way for him, offering a small smile.
I give in, looking at my shoes,"I haven't stopped loving Hyde. I can't. I want to, but he means everything to me."
Adjusting his glasses, Hyde keeps his other hand on his belt buckle,"I love you, too. I think I wanted Jackie because we had sex, then we just kept doing it. I think I liked her, but I love you."
Gasping loudly, Jackie screeches, her eyes becoming big,"Steven!"
"I love you, Hyde," I hear myself smile as I say those words.
"I love you, too," Hyde tosses me a beer, a smile on his attractive face, & I know that things will be okay.

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