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Loaded like a freight train.
Flyin' like an aeroplane.
Feelin' like a space brain.
One more time tonight.
"Nightrain" // Guns N' Roses.

After seeing some crappy "horror" movie, we came back to Eric's & started to smoke in the circle. Luckily, everything's good right now, which I'm sure will change.
Rolling his eyes, Hyde argues back,"Forman, you're engaged. Your life is over."
Eric puts his hands up, his baby blue eyes glancing to all of his friends,"Look, guys. I appreciate that you care, but I love Donna. If I screw up, it's on my ass. I know everything will be great, okay?"
With a little sigh, Fez shoves a ton of candy into his mouth,"Eric, I don't want anything bad to happen to you. You were the first nice person to me when I came to this country."
Man, I will never get tired of his accent.
Smiling, Eric puts his large hand on his chest,"I know you all love me, but we're moving on with our lives, guys. We're reaching a milestone."
"The only 'mile' I care about is being mile high. Forman, you just have everything set up for you," Hyde, taking another hit, looks at him through his glasses.
Eric -now eating blueberries- stares at Hyde incredulously,"I have to hide an engagement from my family. Does that sound good to you?"
"Well," Kelso intervenes, admiring himself in the mirror,"at least you get to do it with Donna. Jackie's always busy shopping."
Flustered, Fez screams like a little kid, furrowing his brow,"Stop talking about sex because I only have myself to do it with!"
Honestly, I can truly say that my friends are the best people I've ever met.

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