I Want You.

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"What are you doing?" I hear Hyde ask me. I don't want to see him.
"Cleaning. Red & Kitty will be back tomorrow," I continue mopping as I ignore Hyde's eyes on me.
His crystal, hypnotic blue eyes.
Shaking the thought from my head, I wet the mop and go on. Maybe moving in with the Forman's wasn't the best idea. It made me feel again.
"About the other night-"
"Hyde," I continue avoiding his eyes, examining the kitchen floor. "You made it pretty clear how you feel."
"I want you."
"What?" My emerald eyes dart up to his. He isn't serious. I bet this is just a joke. Like my life.
With a serious tone, Hyde tells me,"I like you."
"I like you, too," I feel myself smile, instantly happy. Dropping the mop, I wrap my arms around him & kiss him.
Electricity is sent through my body as he kisses me back, wrapping his strong arms around me. Rapidly, my heart pounds against my chest, wanting to escape.
My fingers tangle in his soft hair, & his lips work in perfect sync with mine, but he's in control. His hands cup my bottom, & -
We detach once we hear the door open. Luckily, it's only Eric.
"Oh," Eric nods, smiling. "I am Cupid. You're welcome."
Smiling, Hyde takes my hand in his, & he starts to kiss me like we were never interrupted.
Yeah. My writing sucks. That's not my problem. I'm happy.

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