Youth Gone Wild.

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Since I was born, they couldn't hold me down.
Another misfit kid, another burned-out town.

Never played by the rules. I never really cared.
My nasty reputation takes me everywhere.

I look and see it's not only me.
So many others have stood where I stand.
We are the young so raise your hands.
"Youth Gone Wild" // Skid Row.

Kitty & I went shopping. It was actually cool.
She bought me clothes that I wanted (even if she didn't completely approve of them), & we got to know each other. I can tell she really cares about her family.
"Red & I are going on a little vacation this weekend. That means you'll all be alone," Kitty smiles, packing a suitcase into the back of the blue Corvette, which is Red's prized possession.
Not happy, Red looks at us -Hyde, Eric, Fez, Kelso, Jackie, Donna, & I - and warns,"Don't do anything stupid or my foot will be up your asses."
Eric nods, a smile on his face,"What could we possibly do?"
A few minutes later, the Forman's are gone, & we have the house to ourselves for two days.

"Right!" Hyde yells, blowing smoke from his lips. "The government wants us to go to school, so we can get an education and make money for them!"
Nodding, I light up, although I'm already the highest I've ever been,"Yeah, man. They're in it for the money."
Kelso & Jackie are in some other room, probably having sex while Donna & Eric are on the couch making out. Fez, the lonely guy he is, is with Hyde & I.
Smiling, I realize how great I feel. Everything is just chill. There's nothing to worry about.
"This song is great, man! Turn it up!" A grin spreads across Hyde's face, then he takes another long hit.
The song playing is "D'yer Maker," which is one of my favorites.
"'Babe I'm Gonna Leave You' is better," I say.
"No, man. You've got it all wrong," Hyde shakes his head, laughing. "'Dazed and Confused' is the best, but you're still okay. I don't completely hate you."
"Yeah, man. I feel the same way. I can almost stand you," I start laughing with him.
"Hey, Dani, follow me," Hyde gets up, then he starts walking to the back of the basement, which is where his room is. "I want to show you something."
Dazed, I'm behind Hyde, & man, I just feel great. See, everyone should just smoke pot.
When we're in his room, he shuts the door.
Unable to hide it anymore, we both grab each other & start making out.
So, like 2 people are reading, & that's fine. All I've wanted for the past week is to write this story. I have so much planned. I hope you guys enjoy it, & thanks for reading. ❤

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